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Everything posted by Dru

  1. very true, shannon. RCMP sound like they dropped the ball (judging only by your story). dunno how they think ignoring beatings laid on visitors is supposed to help out with tourism. did you have any sort of insurance which can help out? travel insurance or anything?
  2. beck just click the handy link! im goin 2 bed see you at rope up!
  3. i could manage 5 minutes of quality chatter i guess
  4. you almost sound canadian there eh sisu!
  5. Dru


    "i always wanted to find out what it felt like"
  6. its notthey are essential more like they work just as good and are lighter than a set of cams so you take 1 set cams and 1 set tri cams
  7. ya but I have only done about 6 climbs off that tick list. its more like a to do list.
  8. well i have done it 3 or 4 times now! y aren't u in the http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/jchat.php not so late nite chat room fern huh?
  9. try the vicuna beach without tri cams and have fun soloing the crux pitch.... or a couple of ice routes where tr cam with beak in the ice and cam on the rock is the belay. slcd's just rip out.
  10. i have taken a 20 footer on a tri cam and later removed it tri cams rock da world only good lowe invention.
  11. chat is so suck
  12. Dru


    a talking told me to do it
  13. I would like to posdt my appreciation of the humble Tri Cam in the NEW TRI CAM LOVE FORUM
  14. you can't do the reachy move on Jig Flow huh fern? i think the worst route i have ever done was.... um... originally i had this saying but i change my mind. neon sunset at the magic bus 2nd pullout red rocks is the dumbest route anywhere. i think there is 9 bolts in 15 meters of climbing or about 1 every 5 feet. hard to not trip over them, when we did it we only clipped 2 of em there is this mossy, slimy, diagonal crack at krack rock in the smoke bluffs that sux too but i can't remember its name. tradgirl called it a real good climb so maybe it should be transplanted to noo yawk state.
  15. i will trade 6 empty beer bottles for 6 full beer bottles anytime
  16. Homage to the Spider, "the world's hardest 5.8" on the east buttress of Louis. nice one sayjay BTW. as for the other party banging in pins: how come you guys DIDNT have pins in the Rockies? the ironmongery is your best gear there!
  17. I descended FC after climbing another route in 98 or whenever ( i forget exactly when now). Didnt need to rope up but there were two pre cut bollards we rapped off of one on Winnies one on the entry to the upper chimney. Had 2 tools and crampons and that maybe was a little xcessive. The crux was walking out from lake ann. i hallucinated several times.
  18. Just organize it by PM or otherwise you will find the "boys only" trip just happens to be setting up on the climb next door at the crag on the given day
  19. Ya know I really dont think the American thing is as much a reason as an excuse in this case. We are told the drunks were "Let's get the Americans". But we have a bunch of drunk skids looking to rumble. They would have picked any immediately available minority group nearby. The Americans just happened to be convenient. At least that is my take on it. But I guess if it had been the Ford owners saying "Let's beat up the Chevy driver" it wouldn't be worth making into an international incident.
  20. Dru


    Why? Because when I was God in a past llife, that was the way I decided it should be.
  21. Head to Nelson then follow your nose.
  22. so when erik macks a bowl you just hold it in your lips to be one of the gang, but don't inhale, right i was joking about straight edge the other day and jordop asked me "So what exactly is straight edge anyway"
  24. i thought this thread was gonna be about acid, like "whoa man I just took the best fucking shit and now all I see are rainbows!"
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