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Everything posted by Dru

  1. maybe you were specifically targetted by aggressive gang top ropers cause you were an american! and they were sizing you up for a beating!
  2. So explain to me then why cars with Canadian plates also get vandalized in the Chilliwack valley?
  3. yeah yeah, and only in solid and liquid form
  4. flebby, you bring up interesting point: where was Dan - when all this went on?
  5. I honestly thought everybody already knew about the BC Basemap until about a month ago.
  6. the hydrographic divide between the Arctic and Atlantic begins at snow dome* and meanders eastwards like a drunken snake trying to bite its own tail it is a folk legend, typically found amongst peasants of the american midwestern (flat) states that water has a preferred compass direction to flow. * carolyn ask Backes about Snowdome
  7. So much for accuracy. Washington BLM? First I have ever heard of the BLM being a state agency. i dont think you understand my point. i was stating an analagous error of similar magnitude as an example. do you need me to explain it further to you?
  8. The BC Basemap is usually down for maintenance on Sunday evenings.
  9. sumas mountain sux mud with missing hangers
  10. water only flows downhill
  11. In the interests of accuracy; it is like me stating that Washington BLM land is a National Park.
  12. The campsite by the Aquatic centre is not a Provincial campsite It is run and owned by the District of Squamish. It is a municipal campsite.
  13. this climbers jumped
  14. I send all horsecock from the snaffle position
  15. Dru

    Condiments of Love

    HP sauce
  16. Lots of cars get broken into in Chiilliwack Valley and not all of them are American. Your best defense is to get about 10 paper plates and write random names on them and nail them up on trees all around your car with arrows pointing away from your car.
  17. Dru

    Condiments of Love

    Is Condiments of Love anything like Rollercoaster of Love?
  18. Canadians beat you up in Texas bwahaha
  19. gonna do some extreme geocaching or what
  20. i fall off more tr ing than leading
  21. how come you didnt free solo some loose 12c like huber
  22. well maybe its the borbon/meshew i just make up all my beta anyways and no one ever notices
  23. fred was sport climbing he told me he sent "charlottes web" i just hope he doesn't get some lycra that would be
  24. Dru


    the brave snafflehound all alone on the lonely pagetop
  25. Dru


    my hero of the day is...
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