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Everything posted by Dru

  1. bwahaha distel syubmitted all those bouldering pics and none of them won!
  2. Dru

    96.5 KRock

  3. Dru

    4:00 AM

    wake n bake
  4. Dru

    How safe are SUVs?

  5. "This is the new Arcteryx BagLT softshell!"
  6. in another thread lummox said In Australian grading system, there are two grades (15, 16) for 5.8 and another two (17, 18) for 5.9. Sort of like 5.8 and 5.9 - and +. Then for the 5.10 range, they only have three grades, 19, 20, and 21 cover 10a through 10d more or less. Depending which translation you use. The FRENCH grading system also has only three grades for the 5.10 range, 6a (10a), 6a+ (10b/c), and 6b (10c/d) Should we change the YDS? Split up 5.8 or 5.9 into two, and shrink 5.10 into three letters? Yes or no? Why or why not?
  7. Dru

    scrambled leggos

    Are you trolling or are you just nuts?
  8. "lots of new routes" in the select guide
  9. "The rabbit goes around the tree and back through the hole...NO YOU FOOL! THE OTHER HOLE!"
  10. silly, if they let prisoners make climbing gear they would climb over the walls with it and escape!
  11. and the topos are all stolen from the Jim Campbell guide too.
  12. if it was that steep it wouldnt have snow in it that early in the year and the ice would be too thin to be white, so it would look discontinuous
  13. "If it seems that this site has less content than your typical adult site, please keep in mind that the photos that we currently have are the result of many, many hours of work, and that much more is on the way." cc.com should have a disclaimer like this one
  14. I don't think it looks "gut wrenchingly hard" like you said on Bivouac. It's probably WI3.
  15. Alcohol has 7 cal/gram, vs. 4 for proteins and carbs, and 9 for fat Dat's why the Russians drink vodka at winter bivis, well, one reason anyways.
  16. news story
  17. figure 8's and SBGs, with a rigid metal "keeper loop", can cross load the biner gate and break it under certain circumstances. 2 ppl have died in britain from failures of the belay when a fig-8 used in "sport" mode crossloaded the gate of their belay biner and broke the biner. not aware of any such failures with the SBG but given the rigid loop it seems possible to me.
  18. Dru


    Richard Gere crowns the gerbil
  19. spend the $30 and buy it at Nomad Ventures at the park entrance
  20. seeing as its feb 25th now this probably does not need to be "sticky" now, just a thought
  21. Dru


    seriously trans-canada 1 is like a nascar race. I'm doing 85mph and there is ALWAYS some dude in a dirty white Subaru or similar right on my ass trying to get by on corners and stuff. slow fucker
  22. Dru


    flagging is for marking water bars, cutblock boundaries, road locations, heli drops, stream traverses D-lines and retention patches with not for taking the fun out of bushwacking
  23. Dru


    I do that when someone tailgates too I creep along and do my little car dance "you can't make me hurry" this pathetic passive-aggressive behaviour is the reason for those inexplicable traffic jams or accidents. If someone's being an asshole and is tailgating, the best option is to let them by. It does no one any good to have someone completely pissed off driving a large chunk of metal at high speed, desperately and stupidly trying to pass. Emotions should not come into play when driving. What are you going to do, both pull over and brawl over it? P.S. Canadians are the WORST at this wtf is up with the tailgating im not tailgating you im passing you on the right in canada we dont have the part of drivers school where they tell you "pull into the left most lane and go as slow as you can"
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