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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    i am freakin

    dan - could recruit some invisible bears to serve as independent third party speed timers?
  2. so they won't explode when you them
  3. Dru

    Cell Phone Posse?

  4. if you believe any beta from this site verbatim you are in for an adventure
  5. well the competition with Smith is a week of heli-alpinism and the forecast for Saturday is Sun so you're probably gonna have to go back to scavenging on the lawns
  6. you might have a canadian passenger if it keeps raining like this.
  7. you know arcteryx gets about 5 photos of the dead bird tattoo every month. i think they canned that free harness giveaway after like the 1,000th one or when they ran out of discontinued harnesses to give away. now you might get some stickers or a ball cap.
  8. i saw a video of either boyd or maddaloni free soloing the challenger
  9. lol lol lol Would you yell "Rock" or "lemming" under such a situation
  10. Matilda, your otter seems rather flaccid.
  11. Dru

    Glue ins

  12. will we find out if its true that DFA and Iain are never seen in the same place at the same time
  13. pet wall gets wet in the rain, well except for right under flight of the challenger if its raining you want to be on something like youngblood (13b 10m) or bravado (13d 10m) at the kakodemon boulder rather than at pet wall. i would guess the big show is also toolong for distel no to mention you have to climb a slab to get to it!!!
  14. Dru

    Timmy's Toad Orgy!!!

    Toad Group Sex Reported near Timmy World HQ
  15. Dru

    More essay fun

    don't forget going to the library the week before classes start, taking all the required reading for your course, and misfiling it somewhere obscure within the library so you can access it whenever you need but no one else in the class can find it complete the required readings, as a way to bump up your grade.
  16. I'm just going by what Shaun told me. He probably only placed about 2 pieces anyways so extra gear was not an option. What ever happended to quentin anyways?
  17. what exactly does bamf stand for anyways? "Bad Ass MotherFucker" or "Brush Always, Maybe Floss"
  18. maneuvering after the jump gets a lot easier with the WINGSUIT wingsuit Varly Rozov made a couple of wingsuit jumps off Great Sail Peak when the Russian team was putting up Rubicon. there were photos in Alpinist. i think they also basejumped Nulamorterssuq (sp?) last year when they were there. The wingsuit seems like totally the way to go when jumping walls as it doubles your flying time and distance travelled = more free fall and less danger of being swept back into the wall like almost happens to the jumpers in that BASEclimb movie.
  19. they aren't cutoffs either
  20. jorts are denim cutoffs and gorts are goretex silly!
  21. duuuude 25 to 35 m is like a highball on top of a highbal on top of a highball... poor boulder boys forearms might explode if he had to hold on that long!
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