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Everything posted by Dru

  1. i have no desire or interest in climbing the n face of devils thumb. the south face is sunny and warm with low objective hazard. that is where you will find me. not sure who "they" are that re-use material? Dieter Klose wrote an article for the AAJ and Pete Takeda interviewed Dieter and condensed his article subsequently for R&I.
  2. if only the post had mentioned muir hut, politics, giant housecats and the otter in addition to dan -
  3. Dru


    no if I wanted the CBS award for the day I would say "If Kerry chooses Nader as his VP, he will win the election. It's the only logical choice for him to make."
  4. wtf dude i might be that scrawny but i have no lip fuzz!
  5. um the article about the north face of devils thumb has been in R&I and the AAJ.... Alpinist only really had the eulogy, not a separate feature about the face, IIRC
  6. from what i have heard no one has looked to see if the slung rock was still there only looked for the slings. catbirdseat's logic of "if it was not A it must be B" ignores the less likely but not ruled out possiblities C, D, E etc. this error in logic leads to the possibility of false conclusions and further accidents.
  7. the point being you can do things without leashes, like swap tools from hand to hand, hook tools together end-to-end, get in and out of figure-9's, etc much more easily than with leashes. if the only point of going leashless was to make it harder to climb do you really think so many people would be doing it?
  8. The Wonderland Caterpillar.... sitting on a giant mushroom and smoking a waterpipe.... talk about giving impressionable kids a pro Drug message
  9. wear your plastics. dry, warm feet are worth a bit of clunkiness.
  10. not necessarily sherlock..what if the chockstone itself broke into little pieces or the slings were chopped on the way down by another rock falling on them? sheesh.
  11. Dru


    what if kerry chose nader as his vp????
  12. thanks Mister Clean!!!! oh yeah... i meant to put this thread in spray.... sorry moderators!
  13. Now one thing not already mentioned in this thread is that Dr_Crash climbs in the gym, is just starting to climb rock outside, and is thaking the Mountie Basic or BoeAlps course or something according to other threads. With that in mind the Alpinist features might seem alittle hard to understand or elitist at times. Even though R&I and Climbing are not as good magazines, they do tend to have the tech tips and articles about more moderate climbing once in a while (with pictures) that the Dr might find more relevant to his newbie existence.
  14. i have a black hoody well i was wearing this bouldering a few weeks ago and used it to dry out a muddy hold. now that i have washed it there are gray-brown stains on the blck cotton. any tricks for getting dirt stains out once they are washed and ground in? will bleach help?
  15. i believe cpt. caveman left one sock somewhere in the icicle a few years ago. i suggest if you find it you not touch it either
  16. Dru

    true spray

    in canada it's "humour"
  17. you can tell him that next time you see him and see what he says
  18. none of the above, my informant said it was Keith Reid
  19. don't blame the catbird he can't help being slow.
  20. i am drinking a "recovery drink" right now ----> hic
  21. deep hot biosphere theory? oil as renewable resource created by deep crustal microbial activity?
  22. Dru

    New Contest!!!

    winning candidates will display annabelle's poise and pout as they pose with some unused gear or Brashears. Mike-Layton this means YOU in your blonde wig!
  23. givler's crack
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