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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Are you saying Iain "got would" over some MILF?
  2. Dru

    Hate November?

    New super secret hate forum!
  3. I wonder if it was that new, genetically modified, herbicide-resistant cocaine.
  4. Lets say you had two twin ropes or half ropes and you got a core shot in one of them from a nasty sharp rock falling on it, would you throw away both of them and buy two new ones just to have a matched pair
  5. why stop at assault weapons? Make a Nuclear Bomb at home!
  6. steaksauce...!
  7. Dru

    Yakima Ghetto

    Why aren't they called the Crips and Bloods then?
  8. I think the "micro" in those MicroBrews was the alcohol content. 3.2% Then again I've heard of "Polygamist Porter - You Can't Have Just One"
  9. if the same logic was applied to other equipment my 1990 Subaru would be rusting needlessly in the junkyard.
  10. It's alive It's dead It's the_Nodder thread Killing a kitten.
  11. But the title of the thread says the 17th.
  12. Beer? In Utah?
  13. Jagermeister shots make good christmas presents
  14. Southern change gonna Come at last Now your crosses are Burning fast Southern man.
  15. Stemalot has some and I seem to recall he thinks they are too light for full on waterfall bashing, when compared to the Quarks anyways.
  16. In 6 months time side effects will be shown to include things like constant diahhorea, brain tumors or suicide and then where will all you speculative stock buyers be then?
  17. Dru

    Yakima Ghetto

    WTF is up with Yakima? Drove into town on my way back from Smith Rocks in search of a coffee. Yakima is some sort of ultra-ghetto, but why? Seriously I have seen Native reserves at the end of 200km of unpaved road that have had newer, better maintained buildings than downtown Yakima. Why is this town so ass?
  18. I heard it was only a V4... even if it was V6, there were V7's in Fontainbleau in 1957.
  19. Dru

    Arafat has died

    Palestine gives me goosebumps... oh wait that's RL Stine.
  20. I see dead freshiez. It hit +15C in abbotsford today
  21. Since the Columbia Gorge is well-known for its amazing geologic diversity with proud cliffs and bold spires of limestone, granite, schist, marble, welded tuff and dunite, I can see why you ask this question
  22. Shimmy shimmy ya
  23. I was at the lake and didn't see any
  24. Who voted for Vantage
  25. I was a belay slave, drunken fire lout, race car driver, and lost in Yakima all in 4 days!
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