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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


    Too Much Gum showing.
  2. Dru


    red eye and TMG
  3. I drive a Lesbaru too
  4. The dyke is white not black.... you DID do this route a long time ago.
  5. I ate my lunch at 9 AM. I am hungry today. Time for takeout
  6. only if your hands are still greasy
  7. Dru

    two links

    Two links , eggs hashbrowns and toast
  8. Maybe he mistook them for deer
  9. Lynn Hill Josune Bereziartu Dude you SOOOOOOOOOO suck. Better get on the hormones and schedule surgery.
  10. Snifflehound
  11. I think the Quark is better than the Aztar for waterfalls and the Aztar is a better tool for alpine. It depends on what you want to do with it in other words. If you just want one tool to do everything I'd get the one thats better at what you plan to do the most of.
  12. Sure Is Nodder!
  13. Until you break them
  14. Dru

    Bad Xmas Nusic

    Is Nusic what Ted Nugent plays Pa rum pa pum pum.
  15. Horsecock.
  16. I think there are more serious issues at the Forgotten Wall than route names written in marker pen which only lasts a few months anyway Specifically hold chipping and bolted cracks You can join the debate ad nauseum at squamishclimbing.com aka cheakamuschipping.com
  17. Dru

    Board Updates

    you can write Nodder again
  18. Good lord, the steak sauce is down with the Timm@y board hijinx. NODDER!
  19. Dru

    Pentagon 9/11 - Film

    I kind of wondered that too. Like did the film makers expect us to think that aliens abducted the missing flight and sent a cruise missile in instead. Were the remains from the passengers on the flight, documented at the Pentagon? I look at the film as an exercise in critical thinking.
  20. It would be a bit of a slog even from where you could get a sled to. Also all 3 lines are sitting at the bottom of avalanche chutes.
  21. Dru

    Pentagon 9/11 - Film

    But the film in the link does not dispute any of those points cj001f. What it does reference is that the "plane" that struck the Pentagon may not have been the hijacked Boeing 757 jet but a smaller plane or missile.
  22. Canoe up Ross Lake. Camp on beach. Canoe back down. You do the paddling and your friend checks out the wilderness.
  23. Dru

    Pentagon 9/11 - Film

    http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Main Discuss. Seems like some discrepancies emerge in this film by undoubted Michael Moore wanna bes.
  24. Brent Raymond, Canmore guide and originally from Australia, fell 35m from the approach to Carlsberg Column in Field on Saturday. His helmet was allegedly smashed into tiny pieces by the impact. His partner descended to him, stabnilised him and ran out to the road to get help. Brent was longlined out and taken to hospital and tragically died in hospital from his injuries. I did not ever meet Brent Raymond in person but from reading his postings on live-the-vision and reports he wrote for Gravsports.com I know who he is and I feel saddened nonetheless. RIP Brent.
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