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Everything posted by Dru

  1. yes there is going to be ice in up there not thick and fat but north facing stuff will be ok. lillooet is colder than the forecat, and the climbs are at higher elevations than forecast but south facing sunny routes will be sun rotted and gnarly and you should avoid them.
  2. Why rein in Darwinian selection?
  3. all this hype about a5 death hooking .... slap a couple fat bolts in and all of a sudden it goes free at 11b...talk about contriving difficulty!
  4. Dru

    Origin of w00t!

    you so old skool i bet you still roll dice
  6. Maybe they can make ToddVent or TegralVent the way they made ToddTex and TegralTex when they couldn't get Goretex anymore.
  7. Do you take Nigerian Bank Cheques?
  8. but skullfuck has been repeated...
  9. actually I believe he is using mostly the 8a.nu bouldering scorecards
  10. No but there sure are a lot of good aid climbers who have backed off!
  11. Sounds like Son of Pan 2nd or 3rd pitch to me.
  12. time for the dead thread reanimator to strike again! whatever happened to tyrone shoes and mr. chips? did anna ever climb again? where is the sequel? i heard she hasnt crashed her plane yet so just maybe she did know how to fly. tex, can you tell me what the best way to sew pink webbing onto a #4 snaffle is
  13. they otter know better
  14. Now back around 91 or so the BOREAL LASER was the hot clubbing shoe, with those sporty pink stripes and all.
  15. Recently it was revealed that the "revelation that DDT study was cooked" was itself cooked by scientist sponsored by the maker of DDT. Anyways they still use DDT in the 3rd world.
  16. I knew this woman who named her cat Douglas Fur
  17. Dru

    Favourite cocktail

    was that V8 onsight
  18. Dru

    Favourite cocktail

    roll em and troll em
  19. Dru

    Favourite cocktail

    Um, the White Russians are from Belarus and the Caucasians are from the Caucasus, you know, Georgia, Azerbaijan, like that... not the same thing.
  20. the Mugger? Oh My God!
  21. pockets for helium balloons when carrying large loads
  22. step over here and i can define it for you nicely with this ice tool
  23. all about Trogdor!
  24. I think it had more to do with the fact Epic is not waterproof and the thing is a sieve.
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