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Everything posted by Dru

  1. And the kudzu will battle the hogweed for dominance, yea, over the dominion of the West.
  2. I wonder how many bodies are buried under the floorboards
  3. Dru

    Favourite cocktail

    a good start?
  4. Dru


    i heard third hand that ass stubble causes some MAJOR chafing when you hike.
  5. White pants before Easter?
  6. No because gyms are training and training is very French!
  7. Whatever punter. you hang on a hook and shake the pump out whenever you want, that's called "french free" just like pulling on bolts.
  8. somebody's gonna be crying about windslabs on monday
  9. Dru

    Toolbox for trollers

    Whatever happened to king of freshiesz MEEEEOW!
  10. #2 is not free cause you didnt redpoint it
  11. Dru


    Doesn't that sort of thing happen every day to lawyers?
  12. Dru


    Pulled the rope on a crag climb and the end of the rope hit me in the dick. How could you tell
  13. Dru


    Surprise Mountie pic thread! HANGING BELAY!!!!!!
  14. Dru


    i drove all the way to Cache Creek once to go iceclimbing only to realize i had forgotten my bibs at home. While discussing how I would be Ok to climb in Carhartts I realized i had also forgotten to bring both ropes!
  15. Dru


    Coffee drinking halves risk of liver cancer!!!
  16. Dru


    What is the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to you while climbing?
  17. Dru


    There is no spray or witty banter today. Could it be possibly that nearly everyone is out getting some and its only us poor cubicle jockeys that are stuck inside today? Where is the spray
  18. No just the Lower Mainland's And Boston Bar is 40 miles further up!
  19. Dru

    Revealing Insights

    Top woman climber says sex before climbing will help you climb 13b; also that she wishes she was a snafflehound
  20. Sure is Nodder! It could be worse, I could be in Colorado, the asshole of America!
  21. I know a guy with a Hilleberg and I have to say it is the best tent I have ever seen.
  22. Here too http://www.mcsa.org.za/cent/
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