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Everything posted by Dru

  1. www.buildering.net
  2. So you were using Wayne's dog as your tripod? Did you cut off one of its legs?
  3. V0 to V1 depending on if you are drunk or not, how many Sunny Starts you ate and if the cops show up.
  4. When ramen is outlawed, only outlaws will have ramen.
  5. Really, when you are 83 years old which are you going to remember - the climb you made the FA of, or the B+ you got in Advanced Basket Weaving
  6. Old Age is super fun, I have done that route about 5 times now. Maybe Bill was thinking of Laughing Crack, 5.7 left of Zombie Roof?
  7. TMI
  8. Is that dog hair or person hair in the foreground
  9. Dru

    New Contest

    That too. Are you starting another contest?
  10. I drive a Subaru, isn't that even worse.... oh wait it's OK, mine has rust.
  11. Dru

    New Contest

    Eating is fun
  12. Oh burn When I read the article and it said "Ian Campbell and Darryn...a couple" I wondered if it meant they were gay or if the reporter's editor had made a mistake and assumed "climbing partner" meant "life partner". When I read the whole article, though, it said that Darryn was a she. I know lots of guys named Darren and Darryl but have never heard of Darryn as a girl's name. Is this an Oregon thing?
  13. What's next, girls named Bill?
  14. Dru

    New Contest

  15. It looks like the route finding must have been really hard with such an inobvious line
  16. Dru

    New Contest

    How many hot cross buns can you eat in a day? I am up to 12
  17. i was reading somewhere that the iPod is not a sealed unit and that over around 4,000 meters, the drop in air pressure will result in the reader contacting the drive and permanently wreck it. I don't know if this is true or not but I'm sure you can Google it.
  18. Dru

    more costs of war

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  19. Bill It was way better on Sunday, not great, but better than that! Most of the slabs were dry... climbed in the Twisted/Ali Booto area first then wandered off to Pink Kliff.
  20. Isn't it about 2 months too late for tsunami benefit events?
  21. Maybe it was pope and Dwayner
  22. Are you trying to commit suicide? Why not start a thread called "Effectiveness of flip-flops for soloing Slipstream"
  23. Directions on bottle of rubbing alcohol: Pour on skin. Rub in. Don't drink it though.
  24. You could always change your avatar name from assmonkey to asspussy
  25. Sweet Granite in Renton!!!
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