Two people and 9 pairs of shoes from BC (!! ) went cragging in 11worth.
The climbers were:
Mer (rope gun)
Dru (sprayer)
We didn't actually switch shoes mid-pitch, but I think we did wear different pairs of shoes on every route we climbed.
Friday climbed at Icicle Butt and area.
Saturday climbed at Sam Hill area.
Sunday climbed at Castle Rock area.
Made a few sightings - Alex in der Safeway parking lot, and the back side of Cpt.Caveman and Chepe heading for Castle Rock Saturday AM.
Found some booty - a rigid Friend on the B.O.B. Wall. Found some more booty in the form of a nut and hex on Castle but they were stuck too good to get out so they are still there
Last route we climbed on Castle Sunday was "Century". In 1991, when I was leading Sabre for maybe my 3rd or 4th lead ever, my friends Kobus and Muriel did Century so they could keep an eye on me and maybe swing over if I got into difficulty.. and I have always had this idea that Century was hard and scary. Well it isn't hard but it is scary! Of the first 5 pieces I had in 2 fell out and 2 more were crap tHen it gets solid but easier. It might have been the funnest climb I did all weekend.
No ticks but hundreds of thousands of snaffles were seen.
Good times