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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    TR Hope

    No winged, blood sucking spotters either.
  2. Went bouldering in Hope for the first time this year. 'Twas dry, sunny and warm at first, and I managed to climb 5 or 6 problems, including one that I had cleaned but failed to climb last year. Then I started doing some scrubbing. Alas, the moss was still wet and after removing some living carpets, all I could do was smear the mud underneath around rather than actually clean holds As I was sitting around thinking about trying a scary highball that I have fallen off before, I was saved by the arrival of a thunderstorm. I wondered about the potential for lightning bolts to seek out my 4 foot bubba brush, but decided I was safe since the shaft is made of wood... everything got wet rather quickly, time to quit climbing for the day and go for coffee. I did christen my new freestanding "chalk purse". Works much better than a normal chalk bag for bouldering, especially with 3 blocks of chalk inside and the pipe stuck in the bottom pocket as a counterweight . It has not one, but two, count em, TWO, toothbrush holders.... I am already anticipating the day when I can go leashless and attack a mossy problem with a toothbrush in each hand
  3. weather this weekend?
  4. Dru

    What's on your iPod?

    i'm thinking you need some fitty cent on there
  5. it's raleigh in the compton, just zoom out
  6. where is the link to the worldwind 3-d image
  7. I have a set of orthocorrected 1:20K scale TIFF images of much of SW BC at work, each one is loaded on its own hard drive, each image file is about 1 GB. But I'm not legally allowed to share
  8. see otters!
  9. Dru

    The piggies ohmygod

    What do you think this baby could do to a pig, once it finishes off the roo?
  10. Is a Tributte something like Bachelor Butte?
  11. Dru

    gear slings

    a "turbo express" is an express screw with a fold out knob therefore, a turbo lover is...
  12. reward!
  13. Wholphin!
  14. Dru

    The piggies ohmygod

  15. Dru

    gear slings

  16. i hope it's better than timmy's bellingham slideshow
  17. who is signing these prescriptions for unprotected anal sex? is that what the pharmacists do for fun after refusing to prescribe contraceptives for religious reasons?
  18. Dru

    The piggies ohmygod

    some animals are more equal than others. those animals get medals.
  19. it doesn't no, really
  20. The statistics in that book are rather selective and dodgy. It is hypothesized that Bjorn has read this book
  21. Dru

    The piggies ohmygod

    Water sports?
  22. he wants to know so he can connect cc.com's "liberal bias" to our position as bureaucratic drones suckling the teat of the welfare state does being in the military count as public sector?
  23. latest issue of snaffle fanciers monthly
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