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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Grow your hair out and wear it in a ponytail. End every sentence in "right on" or "nice..". Become very opinionated and learn to bore people with talk about naturalpathic healing.
  2. Charlie

    are they real?

    why is 'penis size' underlined? I've noticed when browsing the web, certain words and phrases are now underlined- why is that?
  3. My name is Charles Seymour Burnett Jr. I'll kick all of your asses- on line or in person.
  4. Charlie

    looking for someone

  5. I've climbed it- WI2 at best. Nothing compared to the hard mixed routes out in Federal Way.
  6. Is that Michael Irvin on the left? No! That's Scarface. And Bushwick Bill in the middle. The geto boy's are one of the best rap groups of all time. Don't be disrespectin'
  7. Charlie

    Madam Opal

    Madam- tell me will I ever get into Muffy's pants? And if I do, will it be worth all the work it took me to get there?
  8. Charlie


    scott_harpell said: Way to go buddy!
  9. Charlie


    If you don't have any naked pictures of her, I might have a few laying around.
  10. (o)(o) perfect breasts ( + )( + ) fake silicone breasts (*)(*) high nipple breasts (@)(@) big nipple breasts oo a cups { O }{ O } d cups (oYo) wonder bra breasts ( ^)( ^) cold breasts (o)(O) lopsided breasts (Q)(O) pierced breasts (p)(p) hanging tassels breasts ()(o) bitten by a vampire breasts \o/\o/ Grandma's breasts ( - )( - ) flat against the shower door breasts < o >< o > electric shock breasts |o||o| android breasts (/)(o) scratched breasts (ouch) (%)(o) extra nipple breasts (like Chandler) ($)($) Jenny McCarthy's breasts (^o)(o) zit on your breast ( o Y o ) poses for SCORE magazine breasts
  11. Charlie


  12. Cracked, your reply was surprisingly interesting and very much out of character of your regular posting style. What is the deal with 1313 mockingbird lane? What's the story there?
  14. Suck my straw so hard you're tastin' the cloth from the backside of my boxers.
  15. Charlie

    MoleAsses Cookies

  16. Look- same dude! Just for future reference- when you make up an avatar, you're not supposed to use your real picture- kind of defeats the purpose.
  17. Charlie


    I'm not sure Ray and Dru are going to appreciate you posting that picture of them.
  18. NEWSFLASH- Erik has said something I AGREE with. **ButtCrack now has about 600 more posts than I do- about a week ago, he only had about 100 on me----500 posts in a week or 2??? He's never gonna get laid**
  19. Is TOTAL the model name? -can't find it- what year? Would you sell just the bindings?
  20. Shut up polesmoke. You tried to start one last nite & ended up running away with your tail between your legs.
  21. Well??????!!!!!!! Maybe you better sleep on it, hopefully you can get a comeback by tommorow
  22. I noticed the big smelly turd had your eyes- I believe you may have an offspring- chip off the old block.
  23. Cracksmoke-For everyone of your 1200 posts, you are that much further from ever actually getting laid by a real woman. Your constant posting of captioned pictures from some other gay website makes me want to take a shit on your face. You post a picture of yourself scraping your tool on some ice while being lowered down a cliff, further confirming you sodomite, lame as hell, sitting behind a computer drinking diet cokes and eating hot pockets while popping white-heads.....how's that?
  24. "I'm an asshole" "We're punk ass DonkeyPunch haters"
  25. Huh???
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