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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. I'm wearing silk boxers today. They're quite comfortable. I'm considering buying a few more pairs.
  2. I'll pee in your butt, cum sipper!
  3. Aren't those El Cap free routes general done by first rapping down and pre-placing the gear & rehearsing the moves? Kinda sounds more like sport climbing than ground up, figure it out as you go trad climbing.
  4. Crackbolter is selling me a pair of boots for $19.25, so all of you shut the fuck up.
  5. Got to hang with him in Jtree while some reporter followed him around all day.
  6. No way- I'll give you $19.50. That's my final offer.
  7. Is that you losers at your last pub club? The ratio looks about right.
  8. I need some (us size 11) alpine boots for cheap.
  9. I feel guilty and ashamed any time I read this site, let alone post. You all are a bunch of pethetic losers. Damn, excuse me while I go wallow in self-loath.
  10. Thats some grade VII epic shit right there!
  11. who cares?
  12. Oh yeah........ I've taken a dump in the camp 4 bathroom. Fred Beckey called me last week- yelled in the phone for a while, said "I can't hear what the hell your saying" and threw the phone down. I stayed in the same hotel as Andre The Giant (god rest his soul). My ex-girlfriend cheated on me with Jack Johnson, And...........Captain Caveman passed out in the backseat of my car, after attended the "best buns contest" at the Rickshaw.
  13. I want the ski setup- check your pm's
  14. Cracked MattP Trask Chepe!!! Erik Capt Caveman
  15. I went to Rick's in Lake City on Friday night. Should I post a TR?
  16. I would assume you'd post a picture with some witty phrase on it, as usual.
  17. Bolts? Huh? What were we talking about, again?
  18. Poor Pope...nobody agrees with him even though he's right! Mommy! Glasgowkiss is calling me names! And mattp isn't being nice either!!!! WAAAHHHHH! Stay out of this junior. I know Pope, and I'm posotive he's 100,000 times cooler than you. Dork.
  19. Sadly, this was probably the most interesting thread on this site in a long time.
  20. Yeah, shut up Pope, or this little grandpa's gonna kick your ass
  21. Don't start........
  22. Naw, way too old for Fred- he only goes for the young babes. I thought it would be better if I introduced her to Fred! She didn't know of him, so his reputation won't be preceeding him.
  23. Speaking of sport routes- check out this route Dwayner, Pope, and I recently put up..........................................
  24. not bad...I give it a 9
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