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Everything posted by TimL

  1. TimL

    this weekend

    Damn dude are you living out there now, weren't you just there a little while back? Have fun miss, I miss that area. Gunks=the ultimate trad cragging area. I've been lucky enough to climb a fair amount in the Cascades, Yosemite and the Gunks over the last couple of months. Gunks this weekend, Cascades next couple of weeks, then by the fall I'll be back in Toronto and not coming back to the Cascades for a long time which is both good and bad. BTW - Over the next couple of weeks if I'm doing any contract work, I'll be looking for partners and seriously into getting some shit done in the Cascades!
  2. TimL

    this weekend

    like I've always said , latin women will be the end of me
  3. TimL

    this weekend

  4. At Penny Lane there is a couple super good 10d/11a finger cracks. I think they are Climb and Punishment 10d and Partners in Crime 11a.
  5. BP - I'll be back in a week from today and will be seriously ready to send some shizzle. I've got plenty of ideas. PM me. Cheers, T
  6. sweet
  7. Climbed some nice short, loose limestone this weekend. I'm amazed at how soft limestone can be. Kinda scary but exciting.
  8. Awesome! What route was that? Was it this past Tuesday?
  9. Both of those routes have to be a couple of my all time favorite routes. THey are just so dam good. It took me so many times to send Jap Gardens, but its just such a good route it doesn't matter. Fred Rogers would have to be the one to ask about marathon belay sessions on Iron Horse.
  10. Mythos
  11. I've never heard of many people climbing the Flat Earth at Smith so I'm surprised you mentioned it, although its a good route! I've climbed so many of the routes at Index so many times that I've stoped counting. Although the usual spots are Jap Gardens or Iron Horse. At Squish it has to be Penny Lane and Mosquito. BTW - I did the Smoke Bluff connection for the first time last fall and thought it was super good.
  12. As weird as the subject title might sound, I was going through my climbing notebook and I started to notice that there are several climb that I've repeated many times. For me, I've repeated both the Outerspace and da Toof four times in the period of seven years. I think this is because both climbers are good moderate beginner climbs that I've taken people up to have fun. In all honesty, I don't care to repeat many routes as I figure there is so much out there that I havn't climbed. Back to the topic, whats the route that you've most repeated and why?
  13. if your serious I'm going to friggin hurl
  14. I find that impossible ...Thrutch......AKA.....
  15. TimL

    Route conditions

    How many hot chicas will be at Smith in the spring on fall?
  16. What also sucks even more are the missing climbers on the Super Couloir route on Mt. Deltaform. Sounds like they are presumed dead.
  17. TimL

    Why we die

    I always wonder sometimes how so many people get away with stupid decisions and risks. I guess natural selection is not true statistically, because there would be many more dead climbers. When I first start climbing I was told that everyone goes through an "apprenticeship" phrase were they are learning the skills they need to climb and are wide open to getting in trouble from a lack of knowledge, or just plain stupid mistakes. I was very lucky, I had a very good teacher when I started climbing that sat me down and taught me the basics.
  18. Found on a buddies rack.
  19. Geek Tower Stoke!
  20. I know it is a long shot, but I lost a Purple Metolius cam with a Helium Kong biner attached. I just noticed that it was gone as I was cleaning gear today so it could be atat Castle Rock, Punk Rock, Eight Mile Rock, Punk Rock, or Icicle Buttress. I know it sounds like a lot, but if anyone stumbles acrossed it, I'll buy and good gear karma will come your way. Thanks, Tim
  21. Washington Pass Climbs: Liberty Bell - Beckey Route 5.6 South Early Winters Spire - South Arete 5.4 I second WR of Prussik Peak. Long hike but great area and climb.
  22. I see a battlecage fight to the death with Rudy and Ken battling in prana shorts and sports bras.....you go girls
  23. Much less of a sausage fest then say....alpine climbing........
  24. Another question, why mention a dog when a couple people were hurt pretty bad. that seems backwards.
  25. If I remeber correctly, being just across the valley when the rock fall happened and chatting with the SAR guy, the dog wasn't hurt, although a rock landed on his leash and broke it. Granted this could be second hand so who knows. Thank god nobody was killed.
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