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Everything posted by chucK

  1. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: [Allison] congrats on having over 50 posts in two weeks - that's Caveman and Dru numbers! Are you the same Allison spray queen of the now-defunct WTA "trail-talk" board? If so, I think Caveboy and Droo got some serious competition!
  2. My kids looking over my shoulder love these f*n gremlins. I'm glad they can't read though.Just thought you'd like to know.
  3. chucK

    Trimming Down

    Sorry Bronco, I guess I was thrown by the conditional tense in your statement. That is, you wrote [bQ] I'd pack a bottle of coffee [/bQ], like I would as opposed to I do. But I guess people don't choose their words that carefully around here so I should just be more careful. Also, I was thinking that climbing through the night might be good and all in summertime Alaska, but down here in WA it gets dark in the middle of the night, and darkness sorta diminishes my climbing enjoyment. What did Roger write? That what was key was to make "moving over rough terrain easy and FUN". Maybe you young guys think its fun to stay up all night, but I don't, especially if it involves demanding physical activity. Later.
  4. box, Your comment is inherently hypocritical.
  5. disatisfied mind dreams reality collide go online and bitch
  6. I thought maybe your mom came in the room, saw what you were doing and made you erase your filthy messages.
  7. [ 02-08-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  8. that's what happens when Big Bubba's toting around your golf club.
  9. How about if I led Chossmaster? Isn't that free-standing pillar like 5.7 (and a bolt-free lead) if you chimney up between it and the wall? Chuck
  10. chucK

    Trimming Down

    Bronco, Is that the voice of experience or are you just making shit up?
  11. quote: Originally posted by brody0: if anyone has anything to say other than attacks, please post. maybe a solution, like an ongoing chatroom. I think the solution is to realize that this site is what it is. It is not the ideal website that exists only in your head. Your ongoing chatroom idea is perhaps the solution. You need to realize that CC.com is that chatroom. To get your ideal website, I would suggest creating one of your own. That might work. It might not. I somehow think that the creators of this site did not envision the current state of affairs as their goal when they first started out. FWIW, I was initially disappointed with the "chatroom" nature of this site. But I got over it. Obviously, bitching to people that don't owe you squatis not going to change anything. Paradoxically, it will only add to the clutter of the board with many retorts replete with little round guys showing you their asses. Your vote has been recorded. Please move on.
  12. Zeno, Thanks for the great legal-stuff link. Required reading! Charlie, If you do go to the extra trouble of actually making the bastards take you to trial I'll chip in $10 for gas/fine money. Chuck
  13. quote: Originally posted by JayB: That's a risk I'm willing to take in order to insure that whoever ripped them off in the first place does not succeed in his ambitions to render these routes unclimbable - if that was in fact his intention. They are not unclimbable now. They're just not leadable. Actually, some are probably still leadable too, just not as safely.
  14. Well if decking was a possibility then it was either not a sport climb or a poorly bolted one. Placing the second bolt too high seems like a far too common an error. It's like the Mountaineers have been out putting up sport climbs or something . How much brains does it take to figure out that if the second bolt is twice as far from the ground as the first, then someone will deck if they blow it near the second clip? Out at Vantage there's a bunch of climbs that have all the upper bolts close enough to Z-clip, while the bottom two are far enough apart to create a decking situation. Dumb. Anyway, sorry to hear about your ankles. Too bad about the doc bungling it too! There's another place (other than sport climbing) where people have too much of a sense of security, the hospital!
  15. Did your belayer take in rope while you were falling? That can cause the falling climber to whip into the wall harder, so usually you don't want to do that. In your case though he/she also had to worry about you decking.
  16. Ahh.. but specialed she clearly specified "no operator error"
  17. Broke both ankles! That sucks. Perhaps your definition of what constitutes a "sport climb" differs from mine. Since you brought it up, maybe you'd be willing to provide further details of your unfortunate mishap. I'm sure there are lots of people here who would love to discuss it to death.
  18. Todd, You can do website-based reading and posting to rec.climbing through Google. Click this link http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&group=rec.climbing The post-response is delayed (so no instant gratification like on this site) when using this website instead of a newsreader. Using this website though you can search for a topic, so you could search for past beta on your topic of interest. Chuck
  19. Thank you for your kind comments. You guys are the greatest. If anybody wants to view the page just click on the little home icon above my posts. Or I guess I could just type in the URL right here http://home.attbi.com/~cspieker/ The page hasn't been updated in a while, but if you've never seen it before I guess that's no biggie. Charlie, I did not climb Eichorn Pinnacle. In fact we just climbed Cathedral via the class 4 route. I was in an uncrowded Tuolumne for 3 days with a couple of guys that don't climb. I was going nuts! Much medication was necessary. Chuck
  20. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: What makes you so sure that I am not going to try very hard to do a competent job? 'Cause you wrote this: If not, than they won't...no big deal. I only need twenty people to fill it out in order to fullfil the course requirement,
  21. quote: Originally posted by Lambone:[QB]This isn't a project that is going to save the world, or climbing in the Northwest. [...]Who knows, maybe I'll send the finished product to the access fund or something.QB] Why would the Access Fund be interested in some data that were worthless because the researcher didn't really try very hard to do a competent job?If you just want to fulfill the course requirement why don't you just make up a bunch of answers from phony people? Like I just wrote in another thread. Don't you just hate it when you try to give a serious answer to a question then the asker just blows you off?
  22. Don't you just hate this? Some guy asks a serious question. Then, when you take the time to give a serious answer he pops off and tells you you're wrong and corrects you?
  23. I have suggestion. Always keep in mind that the people answering your questions are getting nothing out of this. They are doing you a favor. Keeping this important thought in mind, you should carefully create your questionnaire so as to be able to adequately research one or two important questions with the MINIMUM incovenience. Your survey posted is too long. Chuck
  24. I think Mattp's hit it right on the head. The Pub Clubs [TM] oughta be planned out over beers . They shouldn't be hashed out over the internet. They oughta be decided each week at the previous Pub Club. Thus, those that go get a say. Those who don't, don't. As for this week, [i ain't goin' but it has nothing to do with the squabbling], I think Dwayner has been requesting a Tacoma Pub Club for like 3 months now, so as one of the Alpine Buddies this week [thank you, thank you very much] I say, go see Dwayner. And you other Tacoma folks squabbling over which establishment are really shooting yourselves in the feet. Have fun. I hope it happens.
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