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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Dude! do you have wings?
  2. I did the Tooth, Lundin, and the SE Face of Red Mountain two times each just last summer (six pack! ) and will probably do something similar this next year. Reason: fun, very quick escapes from the city. I've done Dreamer and Outer Space a bunch of times and probably will again. I'd do Forbidden or Triumph again: classic Cascades climbs with relatively easy, BRUSH-FREE approaches.
  3. Horseshoes rules!!!! Getting all drunk, flinging around heavy pieces of iron is the BEST!!! The big problem with climbing as a leisure sport is that you often need to use two hands and it's tough to keep track of your beer.
  4. If all the crazy horn-honking jumping-out-of-their-car traffic-nazi yelling idiots would all just get shot by the hide-behind-their-big-gun trash idiots, then the former idiots would all be dead and the latter idiots would all be in jail (or some of 'em anyway) and the streets would be a better place!
  5. Along with the obvious anchor building functionality that I agree is not really needed very often, I find cordelettes ocassionally useful for protection during a pitch. They work well for quickly looping a medium-sized tree, for slinging a really big boulder or other large rock protruberance, or occasionally as a really long sling that to help straighten out the rope to reduce drag. Can fashion it as an aider or prussic too.
  6. quote: Originally posted by Idea Guy: "I would like to hear how you guys "bundle" up this mass of cord/webbing in a convenient, easy to get out again manner. " Electrician's Braid, knitter's crochet, successive slip knots, whatever you want to call it. My 24-foot cordelette (a 12-foot loop), grab and hold the joining knot (double grapevine, double fishermans, opposed double overhands, whatever you want to call it)and slide to the far end, put the two 'ends' together folding the original length in half. Make a small loop next to the joining knot (in all 4 strands), push a bight through the loop, push another bight through the first bight, and so on... until you have only a few inches left, slip the end through the last bight. Clip the end and the beginning. Total length 10-inches, making it smaller than the 'overhand' method and quicker than the 'coil' method, and much faster to deploy than both. How long does it take you to do all that??? Maybe you can take it out quick but doing that braiding shit takes all day to put away. Just fold the thing in fours (i.e. 2 folds, once in half, twice in four) tie a loose overhand in the mess and clip a loop or two. Oooops now that I read back I see that Matt A has already presented this elegant solution. Sorry to be redundant. [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: chucK ]
  7. OK, I was driving to work today down Roosevelt and there's this guy whipping back and forth between lanes, looks to be in a big hurry. You know what I mean. So there's this open lane right in front of me at the stop light (I love that ) but this Mr. Hurry cuts over quick and darts in front of me. I think, "no problem, these hurried guys always take off like a shot at the light. It's not like I'll be waiting long." Then, whaddaya know, when the light turns green, Mr. Hurry is now working on something else and TOTALLY blow the start! I guess this guy is one of those people who always need to be doing like at least two things at once as it's not good enough to just concentrate on the job at hand. Sorta like my 4 year old son. Whadda you think of that!?
  8. So what do you think the odds are that those bridges are fine for another 10-20 years for normal passenger cars, but that it's important to fix them now because they've fallen below spec for loaded logging trucks?
  9. So what's the phone number?
  10. A 70m rope works great from gang-roping Thin Fingers and Princely Ambitions! Hey what happened to that for sale JPG on the first post? If anybody still has it could you email it to me? Chuckcspieker at attbi dot com
  11. Droo dood, I just checked the Cavema'am's [god rest his soul] total and it was 3486 . One more post to go dude. Woo hoooo! All hail the new king!
  12. That would be ironic wouldn't it? Eco group successfully fights off evil golf course and rich-people dwellings and is rewarded with a big smog-belching power plant instead. Irony police please check my above statement.
  13. I almost forgot... I am a graduate of the Mountaineers basic climbing course.
  14. Hey! All you dorks who feel the need to look down upon people, those of you who need to feel different in order to be loved, this missive is sent to help you feel better about your condescending selves. I have a North Face pack, fleece and sleeping bag.I have pants from Eddie Bauer.I have a bunch of Nike T-shirts.I wear Patagonia long underwear.I don't cover up any of the brand names.I am an REI member with a 200+$ dividend.I drive a Honda Accord.I have a wife and 2 kids.I eat fairly regularly at McDonalds.I eat meat and also processed cheese food.I like Led Zeppelin.I wear tape when crack climbing.I bought a Climbing mag the other day.I watched the Super Bowl, and am a baseball fan.EEEEE-CHEEE-ROW!!! I submit myself to be subject to your cooler-than-thou-scorn. Have a nice day!
  15. I will take #100. I am as clean as the driven snow.
  16. quote: Originally posted by chris_w: You forgot to inlcude Dwayner (#12) So it is 6:1 ratio Dwayner's counted on that list, 'cause he and Pope are the same person remember?
  17. chucK


    These are sort of simple one but WTH: Wrap up your ice-chest (in your car) in a sleeping bag, it'll keep it way colder. Take a mini-wallet with only a few essentials (license, 1 credit card, insurance card, some cash) and leave the big bulky thing at home. Makes it a lot easier to carry while climbing when you're at some crag where you're even a little worried about your pack getting ripped off/rifled. Do the same thing with your keys. Only take the ones you are going to need (car keys IF you're driving, housekey). For a pillow at a bivy, put the desired bulk of stuff in a stuff sack, then zip your fleece around the outside for a soft comfy slobber cloth. Chuck
  18. Office Space say:"If you need a one hour pump then go pump your woman."[\B] OK maybe that's a bit offensive. First your stereotyping Pope into the purely heterosexual side which probably offends him a bit. Second, exposing his inadequacies by even joking that he could possibly be pumping for anywhere close to an hour is really hitting below the belt. Lighten up Office Space!
  19. Hey Dwayner, Check out Pope's playful trashing of my wife he doesn't even know in this thread before you get too much on that high horse. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=10&t=000261 Chuck
  20. Do you exit left or right at the top of the handcrack? Exiting left seems much more difficult.
  21. I think it was a graham cracker box. He forgot his helmet so for some protection against mounties dropping sh*t on him we taped the box of crackers to his noggin. Check out this other picture of Century and cracker-box head. Look up above him at that guy with the massive pack. Positive mountie identification !!
  22. I will throw in my pontifications: Damnation is 5.9, fist-crack, layback, chimney. No offwidth as I remember. Haven't climbed Canary since I was way green. I thought that last move (on p1) was hard! I wish I had Matt there with his laser pointer. Crack of Doom is cool but too short, 10a- . Sure is fun to leave your stuff at the base of Damnation/Angel crack so you can get some great entertainment when packing up afterward. What about Century? You guys like that one? I remember that being fun.Chuck
  23. Here's something Caveman wrote in the thread http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=001229 about Easter Tower Sure. JValente MOleson and I cruise up Easter Sunday with the dog. We intended on climbing the Outside face route. After looking at the 5.9 pitch we decided it could have been mossy and or wet. We moved around to the notch. It was Mike's lead so he picked a route in the east side. No chimney as noted in several books. Just crappy wet moss covered rock and 3 or 4 rattly pitons on the crux that would not likely hold a fall even if you clipped them all. Burrow through a really annoying tree up some more choss and finally the small summit. The notch route is probably better. I still don't know about the Outside Face since we never completed it.If you are up there you might as well do one of the Beckey routes behind it on Snow Creek Wall. One is 5.7 one is 5.8 and they are not too long but look fun. I hear April Fools tower is fun which is a short walk away from Easter..
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