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Anyone know a good news site to find out info on a very recent avalanche up near Revelstoke? My roomates are up there skiing and the news report I heard about said 7 americans were killed... Nothing came up on a seattletimes.com search.

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Thanks Erik. Dru or anyone else who knows that area... My roomates were going to the Selkirks and were working with a company out of Nelson. Is that near Revelstoke? They weren't supposed to be heliskiing, but the number of people in the party is right.


I work at KING 5 here in Seattle. We are getting a flow of information from the Canadian media, but are not having a whole lot of luck discovering where these heli-skiers are from (other than the United States). Does anyone know where they're from? The skiing expedition was arranged by Selkirk in Revelstoke, but they won't tell us anything. If you know anything that would help helpful in helping discover if any of these skiers are Washington area folks, I'd appreciate any help you can give. You may call me at (206) 448-3850.



Elizabeth, perhaps members of this board/the climbing community would be more receptive if it wasn't for the long history of inept and misinformed reporting about skiing/climbing/etc. accidents that the news media has been responsible for.


I can certainly understand that. We are trying to provide fair and balanced coverage. I had hoped that by seeking assistance from folks such as yourselves who might be knowledgeable in such things, we could help each other out. I know the media gets a bad rap, but the only way to repair our image is to keep trying.


Look, you say I should use my resources to try and get my information. Well, you are one of the resources I was trying. You don't have to help me. I was simply asking if anyone would be willing to help. Clearly you're not. So don't.


I am not hanging all my hopes on getting information from this message board. Just wondering if there was anyone out there who could offer assistance.


Ehmmic, ther is a b.c. hut near the Durrand Glacier called the Durrand Glacier Chalet. Unless your friends said that this was where they were going it was not them. There are several huts simlar to this near Nelson (which is nearly a 10 hour drive away from revelstoke). However, as an example of another media misrepresentation of b.c. skiing, the victims were not heli-skiing. This hut, like most others in the South Columbias is merely accessed via helicopter. Once you arrive, you ski for a week on your own.


erik, you are a whiner, a complainer.

they're trying to get more information on the incident, and you're telling them to screw off, while complaining that they never report things correctly.


why don't they report good news instead of just bad news? bad news sells. good news doesn't. it's a business.


why don't they oppose wars/ridiculous athlete salaries? um, what, you want an even more biased media erik??





However, as an example of another media misrepresentation of b.c. skiing, the victims were not heli-skiing. This hut, like most others in the South Columbias is merely accessed via helicopter. Once you arrive, you ski for a week on your own.


You got that News. There is a big difference between hele skiers and people who get one ride in a helecopter. The former probably don't know jack shit about the outdoors, while the latter are idiots if they haven't gotten some kind of avy training etc.


We are just now learning that very thing (they were not heliskiers)..and are correcting reports to reflect the latest information. That's one problem with breaking news events...the first information we receive from official sources is not always what turns out to be true.


Newstips, don't be discouraged. We are a bunch of freaks here!


Please tell your people on the air "ten people and one guide" is not a very good way to describe who was caught in the avalanche. Guides are people too, and some of them are very nice people.

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