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Kim Jong Il


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DPRK wants a sycophantic lick from Uncle Sam right on the chocolate starfish. Screw the kimchi-burping, paranoia-filled North. I think if the US caves because Kim Jong Il has his finger on the nuclear button, what will stop every other nuclear power (real and imagined) from doing likewise. Giving Saddam a serious ass kicking might get the DPRK right back in line. Much of the world's cultures respect brutally wielded strength. January 27th is coming up fast.

BTW, North Korea already has the missiles to hit the West Coast. Anybody got the nerves for a Pacific Rim arms race? It won't take much for Japan to join in.

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they're not stupid enough to lob a nuke


so what makes others stupid enough to lob one?


I can already see what's going on inside the white house: this one .... stupid, that one .... ah, ok not stupid, etc ....


Or is it that I am missing some subtlety in your thinking?

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I agree with Trask. I don't think the current crisis (today's crisis) is as bad as all that because I don't think anybody is going to shoot a nuke at anybody.


The sad thing about the story is that it seems to me the main lesson from all of this is that might makes right and if you don't want to get pushed around by the U.S. you gotta arm yourself to the maximum extent possible. Can you blame them for wanting to restart their weapons program after we have stated that they are in the axis of evil and we are going to come after them as soon as we're done with Saddam? In these circumstances, shouldn't Saddam be saying to himself "look at those guys -- the U.S. isn't going to invade them because they have nukes and can hit Soeul. If only I had something like that."

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Do you think we are stupid enough to seriously think Iraq would lob one at us? Clearly they miscalculated in the case of Kuwait, but they have shown no inclination to send any weapon at the west except that during the war they sent an inefective couple of missiles at Israel. The difference in policy is not explained by how smart or stupid we think they are.

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Do you think we are stupid enough to seriously think Iraq would lob one at us?


no, of course not but it is the official reason given ("they are an imminent danger").


The difference in policy is not explained by how smart or stupid we think they are


agreed, I was just making fun of the discourse coming from the other side. The difference is probably due to different geopolitics (arab world is not the asian world, and our chances of getting away with it cleanly/swiftly in Korea would be virtually nil)

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Brother Mattp say:


"during the war they [the Iraqis] sent an inefective couple of missiles at Israel. "


Couple of missles????? 39 to be exact. And although they did relatively little damage...they made the point...they could attempt to hit Tel Aviv again and other population centers with nastier warheads if they wanted to. And the Israelis got a huge amount of flak for unilaterally bombing the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981...think of what would have happened by now if they hadn't.


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Is anyone here familiar with the political repression facing North Koreans? I think it's safe to say the country's little understood by the average American....

I'd also say that if I was in Kim's shoes, I'd be arming pretty quick too, after the US' saber-rattling about the axis of evil.


What's funny in a twisted way is that they kinda have the administration by the balls. South Korea supports dialogue, China supports dialogue, Japan supports dialogue, while the US is more concerned about appearance and saving face.

How red will Bush's face get? As red as his neck?


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I have faith that the Korean mess will be defused diplomatically, and with China's help. Let's hope so.


what's messed up in north korea is thousands of people are starving to death. the north korean goverment is using it's available rice to feed it's million man army while ordinary people die. kim doesn't care as long as he stays in power (or rather the generals who surround him, since kim himself seems weak). so kim plays the nuclear card so the u.s. won't try to topple his regime. so now it's "just put down the gun and everything will be ok". the food shortage problem won't go away until north korea throws in the towel and accepts reunification under south korean control. and BTW i don't think china wants that to happen.

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