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[TR] Coal Crag - many 6/21/2013


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Trip: Coal Crag - many


Date: 6/21/2013


Trip Report:

Skagit County- decaying infrastructure, bumper to bumper traffic, hillbillies galore--------fresh produce, tulips, red-necked climbers, and some great rock+++++++++


Here's a few pics from another stellar day at Cumberland Crags



Gear Notes:

quickdraws, light rack, 0 and 00 metolius are very helpful


Approach Notes:

Get in the car, drive up road 17, roll out of the car onto a short trail, hike 5 minutes to the rock

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Yes there are three areas that I know of. Might be more that I don't. 7 Mile Rock, Coal Crag, and Iron Mt. Crags together make up the Cumberland/Finney road group.


You can find directions to two of these places on Mountain Project. Its posted under Bald Mountain Boulders/Coal Mnt Crag. I've tried to create its own page but it wont give me access and some guys had already posted a bouldering page for the same area, though its not called Bald Mountain boulders since bald mountain is miles away from there. Its not called monkey cliff either, Ive heard a couple people name it that. Dallas Kloke and friends applied their given names and since he was stomping around here in 1973, I think that its appropriate to use them. Fun stuff, come up soon Mark and down Curt!



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Dallas and I were climbing a 3 pitch route called Ultra Basic and when we came down our packs had vanished. A couple rednecks pulled up at the parking area before we started climbing but they seemed friendly enough. There was also some dude with a metal detector snooping around. Regardless of who it was they didn't have the manners to leave us the car keys that were in the top pouch. Coal Mt. Crag is about 9 miles on a dirt road and so Dallas and I started hoofing it since there isn't cell service. About 6 miles in we ran into some target shooters and they gave us a ride back to Sedro. It was odd for sure, even for that place. Haven't had any trouble up there since though.

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