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Political Threads Suck


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Anytown, Young America, same thing. Anyway, the postmaster general knows damn well how to get packages to Dr. Flash Amazing. Technically, you're not even supposed to need to use the address, just scrawl "DFA" across whatever you're sending. Apparently, though, those whiny postal service employees were kvetching, so the Doctor cut them some holiday slack.

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Saying that I need to take my meds implies that I'm on my side of the computer getting agro. Not true, I'm actually laughing my ass off at all the posts here. Think about the joy of posting something exceedingly long and political on a post about how political threads suck. Personally, I thought it was hilarious. Cut and paste was exactly the point of it. Actually, even if you disagree with the content, I thought you, trask, would have enjoyed the premise of the post at least.


On the other hand, had you decided to read it, it may have been informative, if only to reinforce either what you already believe or what you already disagree with.


Enjoy! fruit.gifrockband.giffruit.gif

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"Rodimus Prime, Magnus, Arcee, and Springer are captured by humans led by Cobra Commander. Their consciousnesses are removed and placed into human bodies. As they barely escape being killed in a trash compactor, their Transformer bodies are being used to infiltrate Autobot City and destroy the remaining Autobots."



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