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Good Series on SSDI


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Starring our very own Aberdeen:





"There used to be a lot of jobs that you could do with just a high school degree, and that paid enough to be considered middle class. I knew, of course, that those have been disappearing for decades. What surprised me was what has been happening to many of the people who lost those jobs: They've been going on disability."


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Well - depending on your perspective I suppose you could see the current state of affairs as an indictment of the market, or the government/policy - or both.


I don't have the time to debate the matter either way, but I think people who take either position will find plenty to chew on in the article.




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what does it matter where the blame falls? the world changes and shit gets fucked up in ever newer ways - how does the life of the obese alabama retard w/ no conceivable prospect for a job stack up against the same damn retard 100 years ago?


i'm assuming this is the same article i heard on npr this weekend - chick seemed to not quite know what to think either.

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The story and your comments do remind me of a good chuckle I had way back when when I heard someone on the radio pitching "customer service call centers" as one possible employment possibility for the out of work loggers in rural WA who weren't able to get jobs as prison guards. :lmao:








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(Please, sir, I want some more...)

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