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Next for Greece?


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Jayb, is there a pattern yet here or is this brand new???




I know you enjoyed the Grecian collapse, but this is next?

What do the "I told you so's" have to say about what will happen next?


Seems like a temper tantrum directed at the Germans for cutting off their allowance more than anything that the rest of the world should worry about.


Not nearly as worrisome as the rise of Grecian Formula IMO..



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time for the traditional greek remedies to misery: massacre, immigration and sodomy! :)
How is any of that going to remedy the misery of being raped in the ass?


a) killing the miserable

b) moving the miserable someplace where shit is better


c) reducing the number of future people who will be miserable (ancient greece had strong traditions of infanticide and homosexuality, likely evolved behaviors to cope w/ the regions chronic food and population pressures)


i would hope you can appreciate a measure of sarcasm in spray - after all, some of my best friends are....are...are...not really greek (but they've been there!)

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Shanniqua. He was able to entice her into his Hyundai with the promise of a meal at Wendy's and a shopping trip to TJ Maxx.


her name was gorgo. you'd think the name was the worst thing about her...'til you found out it was leonidas's cousin - nothing like snapping up yer dead uncle's little girl for your own boudior - i somehow doubt she looked like cersei lannister either :)

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her name was gorgo. you'd think the name was the worst thing about her...'til you found out it was leonidas's cousin - nothing like snapping up yer dead uncle's little girl for your own boudior - i somehow doubt she looked like cersei lannister either :)


it beats little boys I suppose


Leonidas did go through the "traditional" Spartan boy school experience, after all


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