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Colorado Springs - thanks Grover Norquist


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I just read this whole thread.....


If you get real bored, you should read the link Jim posted in the first post. They quote people who contradict the headline. As is often the case the truth didn't fit into the headline so they buried it at the bottom of the story. Jim would be a great Rush Limbaugh fan. Accept the major premise at face value, ignore the real truth, and get a bloody nose when your knee jerks up.


Carey and Fire Chief Rich Brown said they are facing the same kind of cuts and budget restrictions as public-safety forces across the country. The reduction in manpower hasn't affected their ability to respond to the wildfire, they said in interviews this weekend.


On June 26, when near-hurricane-force winds caused a firestorm that swept into the city, "I don't care if we had 2,000 people, there's nothing we could have done," Brown said. The city has 413 firefighters and recently graduated its first new class of recruits in five years, he said.


Bach said the city is on the path toward financial implosion anyway because of overly generous pensions and too many parks.


It hasn't affected the handling of the wildfire, he said.


Again, Oakland lost 3500 homes. Nobody suggested to them that spending more would have done a damned thing. Of course they have made many changes in a wide variety of things as the link above says.

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No source provided so I assume this is someone's opinion.


Mine is I would rather have had 39 more firefighters in my town if it were burning - Colorado Springs made a clear choice - cut and cut public services.


It's a choice - live in a fire prone area and - shock!! - you might get scorched!!


And ironic that the folks wanting to get government small enough to drown in the bathtub now come running to it with hands out.

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Carey and Fire Chief Rich Brown said they are facing the same kind of cuts and budget restrictions as public-safety forces across the country. The reduction in manpower hasn't affected their ability to respond to the wildfire, they said in interviews this weekend.


On June 26, when near-hurricane-force winds caused a firestorm that swept into the city, "I don't care if we had 2,000 people, there's nothing we could have done," Brown said.


hmm, I'm trying to figure out the logic behind your position, Bill. Did your thought process go something like this?


data points taken as fact:

1) Reduction in force didn't make any difference, whatsoever

2) 500% increase in force wouldn't have made any difference, either



3) it doesn't matter how many firefighters there are



4) just get rid of all of them





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No source provided so I assume this is someone's opinion


Got it from the story you linked. Does that help? You should read it. Interesting story.


Oh that - the mayor (who pushed for the cuts) and his fire chief. WTF do you think they are going to say. We made a mistake?


An affected citizen thinks otherwise:


"It has impacted the response," said accountant Karin White, 54, who returned Thursday to a looted and vandalized home, with a treasured, century-old family heirloom smashed
....after his burnt house was robbed.



it doesn't matter how many firefighters there are


If I were on the fringe of the fire would I have wanted 39 more folks that knew how to fight fires? You bet. And you? Maybe not.


They made a choice as a community and there are consequenses. Certainly not all this could have been prevented - but it would have helped some proportion. You want to go it alone and avoid community services. Have at it and stop whinning.


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Oh that - the mayor (who pushed for the cuts) and his fire chief. WTF do you think they are going to say. We made a mistake?


Clearly you, having now read part of an article on this subject, now know so much more than both of them. We should ignore what the experts say at the end of the story (which I quoted and you apparently didn't read) and just go with the angry bystander you quoted. Uhhh, dude, do you vote? Maybe they should elect you fire chief. Or mayor.


Both? :grin:

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No source provided so I assume this is someone's opinion.


Mine is I would rather have had 39 more firefighters in my town if it were burning - Colorado Springs made a clear choice - cut and cut public services.


It's a choice - live in a fire prone area and - shock!! - you might get scorched!!


And ironic that the folks wanting to get government small enough to drown in the bathtub now come running to it with hands out.


Except Jim, Colorado Springs has never been burned in the entirety of Human History. Seattle burned to the ground so in the grand scheme of things, the likelyhood that a city was going to burn, it would stand to reason that Seattleites are LIVING IN A BURN ZONE AND ARE IDIOTS FOR LIVING THERE AND CUTTING THEIR FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!!!!!


What are they thinking!?!??!?!


Lets think about what we are saying Jim as well as, I don't know maybe doing research before jerking your hip out of your socket trying to take a cheap shot at a guy who was deployed while his wife and 1 year old were evacuated... huh?



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Oh quit your whining assintake. all your anti-government rhetoric boils down to all talk and no action. if you guys would live by what you preach, you'd organize a fire brigade in colorado springs and put the fire out yourself. but instead of showing your minerals, you cry like a little baby that the very organization that employs you and you serve (and hate at the same time) did not bail our sorry ass out. you are just a total hypocritical wanker. now fuck off.

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blah blah blah nasty, needless and stupid assed shit blah blah blah


Did you not read that he was out of the country working for all us us (and paid by you) when the fire occurred? His wife and daughter had to deal with it alone. Having been in a fire yourself, is that really what you want to say?



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Oh quit your whining assintake. all your anti-government rhetoric boils down to all talk and no action. if you guys would live by what you preach, you'd organize a fire brigade in colorado springs and put the fire out yourself. but instead of showing your minerals, you cry like a little baby that the very organization that employs you and you serve (and hate at the same time) did not bail our sorry ass out. you are just a total hypocritical wanker. now fuck off.


HELLO!! I wasn't there you fuck.

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Oh quit your whining assintake. all your anti-government rhetoric boils down to all talk and no action. if you guys would live by what you preach, you'd organize a fire brigade in colorado springs and put the fire out yourself. but instead of showing your minerals, you cry like a little baby that the very organization that employs you and you serve (and hate at the same time) did not bail our sorry ass out. you are just a total hypocritical wanker. now fuck off.


YOU, wan't to talk to ME about having minerals?!?!? Please bitch, get off your horse and get fucked.

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Seattle burned to the ground so in the grand scheme of things, the likelyhood that a city was going to burn, it would stand to reason that Seattleites are LIVING IN A BURN ZONE AND ARE IDIOTS FOR LIVING THERE AND CUTTING THEIR FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!!!!!


What are they thinking!?!??!?!


Lets think about what we are saying Jim as well as, I don't know maybe doing research before jerking your hip out of your socket trying to take a cheap shot at a guy who was deployed while his wife and 1 year old were evacuated... huh?



So comparison of modern day Colorado Springs and Seattle in 1885 seems relevant. :lmao:


And it has nothing to do on the personal level - nice dodge though. If a community wants to make choices of living in a fire prone area that is only going to get more susceptible, that's a choice; as is reducing their public safety margin. IMO - that's not wise. I wouldn't vote for that nor would I be living in those hills.

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Except Jim, Colorado Springs has never been burned in the entirety of Human History.

I don't think local tribes kept a written records. You mean white history? because it would make like what- 75 years? When you look at the natural history, these eco systems actually relay of fire, so wtf are you talking about? your mentality is on parr with morons, who build on flood planes and cry foul when they get flooded.

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Except Jim, Colorado Springs has never been burned in the entirety of Human History.

I don't think local tribes kept a written records. You mean white history? because it would make like what- 75 years? When you look at the natural history, these eco systems actually relay of fire, so wtf are you talking about? your mentality is on parr with morons, who build on flood planes and cry foul when they get flooded.


Yeppers :tup:


If you look at historic Whitey photos, the Flatirons above Boulder Colorado had no trees on them till the ridge crest. Now firs and pines forest the slopes below the Flatirons.


Why is that? Well whitey moved in with smokey da bear and extinguished fires any time they saw one burning. Risks of small ground level fires moving to canopy level are higher. I can't speak for tribes in the Front Range, but natives near Wenatchee-Leavenworth used to perform controlled burns tactics. Keeping spread out big trees is better for deer populations (meat) than thick or dense forested areas.


One thing I can say from professional experience, the plains east of the Rockies (Denver, Colorado Springs) should be grasslands. Sure you would see a Plains Cottonwood near a drainage or creek, but that's about it. Modern residents want trees for shade and wind break, but it takes lots of work-time to maintain trees in locations like that. Grass don't like trees and trees don't like grass.


Budgeting most tax dollars for war and war machines sure is-was a great idea.

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1)There is recorded history in Colorado Springs in the 1500's; white boy recorded history in 1808 I believe with Zebulon Pike and his Army expedition.


2) Colorado Springs could never be grassland; especially that areas that burned. The whole area is broken up granite and cliffs. Perhaps the East side of the Springs which has ben incorporated only in the last few years.


3) I am sure the Flatirons didn't have trees, this isn't the flatirons as it is 100 miles away from the flatirons.


4) The only wild fire IN RECORDED history ever to take out a home in Colorado Springs was likely started by arson; just like the Hayman fire.


5) Jim, I was merely showing you what a fallacious argument you had given. As Rob already showed, the budget cuts made no difference. Ironically, you keep harping on it while your own government just cut 10's of millions from their budget. I will be sure to be at your throat with the I told you so's if you house burns down.



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I hear colorado springs has a lot of minerals, though. true?

Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch.


Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying...

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