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SS a Ponzi Scheme?


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Yeah! Let's go back to 1900, along with other batshit crazy libertarians, when over 50% of old people died in abject poverty (and the handicapped didn't get to be old).


Given the latest round of Tea Party muscle flexing in the House I'd say we're getting our share and more of batshit crazy.

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Yeah! Let's go back to 1900, along with other batshit crazy libertarians, when over 50% of old people died in abject poverty (and the handicapped didn't get to be old).


Given the latest round of Tea Party muscle flexing in the House I'd say we're getting our share and more of batshit crazy.


Batshit crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Like the current government. Obama is just the same as Bush is some respects. I am ready to go in a totally new direction.

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Yeah! Let's go back to 1900, along with other batshit crazy libertarians, when over 50% of old people died in abject poverty (and the handicapped didn't get to be old).

Given the latest round of Tea Party muscle flexing in the House I'd say we're getting our share and more of batshit crazy.

Batshit crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Like the current government. Obama is just the same as Bush is some respects. I am ready to go in a totally new direction.


Batshit crazy libertarians arguing against SS (and and for deregulation, privatization, etc..) have been mostly in control of government since Reagan (Greenspan, Niskanen, etc). How does regurgitating their anti-social drivel amount to going "in a totally new direction"?

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Yeah! Let's go back to 1900, along with other batshit crazy libertarians, when over 50% of old people died in abject poverty (and the handicapped didn't get to be old).

Given the latest round of Tea Party muscle flexing in the House I'd say we're getting our share and more of batshit crazy.

Batshit crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Like the current government. Obama is just the same as Bush is some respects. I am ready to go in a totally new direction.


Batshit crazy libertarians arguing against SS (and and for deregulation, privatization, etc..) have been mostly in control of government since Reagan (Greenspan, Niskanen, etc). How does regurgitating their anti-social drivel amount to going "in a totally new direction"?


A totally new direction would mean not being the worlds police and bringing all of our troops home. Letting the patriot act expire and ending the federal reserve completely. Returning to the gold standard and abiding by the constitution. If you think that is batshit crazy then I cant help you.

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One can be for most of the things you listed without advocating for the dismantlement of the social safety net, or for unregulated capitalism that was the state of affairs for the 19th and early 20th century (and repeatedly proved to be failures so it's hardly new)

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btw, there are pres candidates on the left with an impeccable antiwar record, who were against the patriot act from the get go, against corporatism, for a green economy, etc .. so you have NO excuse propagandizing for that things-were-better-in-1900 Ron Paul nutjob.

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btw, there are pres candidates on the left with an impeccable antiwar record, who were against the patriot act from the get go, against corporatism, for a green economy, etc .. so you have NO excuse propagandizing for that things-were-better-in-1900 Ron Paul nutjob.


+1, might as go well 3rd party if you're gonna pull the "vote on principles" card

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btw, there are pres candidates on the left with an impeccable antiwar record, who were against the patriot act from the get go, against corporatism, for a green economy, etc .. so you have NO excuse propagandizing for that things-were-better-in-1900 Ron Paul nutjob.


Are or were? I am a huge fan of Dennis Kucinich but he is not running....so I have to choose from the field of people who are actually running for president. Obama has had time to make changes and speak about issues that actually matter to me but he just keeps with the status quo. He even choose the same Secretary of Defense that Bush had.


Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.....remember?


So....moving forward, I think that Ron Paul is the only candidate who takes the constitution seriously. But that is just me.



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btw, there are pres candidates on the left with an impeccable antiwar record, who were against the patriot act from the get go, against corporatism, for a green economy, etc


Are or were? I am a huge fan of Dennis Kucinich but he is not running....so I have to choose from the field of people who are actually running for president.


Bone, "left" does not mean "Democrat." There are other people from the left running, you know.

Edited by rob
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Come on Rob.....you stated there are other people from the left who are running....list them please.


Are you FUCKING kidding me? You know how to use the fucking internet, just use it to find third party candidates for 2012. Do I really have to do that for you? God damnit, dont you know how to use search engines? It would take anybody a tiny fucking amount of time to find this info, Jesus fucking shit balls what the hell is wrong with you, just fucking look, god damn! Wtf is this the first time you've heard of this???

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Come on Rob.....you stated there are other people from the left who are running....list them please.


Are you FUCKING kidding me? You know how to use the fucking internet, just use it to find third party candidates for 2012. Do I really have to do that for you? God damnit, dont you know how to use search engines? It would take anybody a tiny fucking amount of time to find this info, Jesus fucking shit balls what the hell is wrong with you, just fucking look, god damn! Wtf is this the first time you've heard of this???


Kevbone wins. :lmao:

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btw, there are pres candidates on the left with an impeccable antiwar record, who were against the patriot act from the get go, against corporatism, for a green economy, etc .. so you have NO excuse propagandizing for that things-were-better-in-1900 Ron Paul nutjob.


Unless you're casting your write-in vote for William Jennings Bryan, it's a pretty safe bet you're voting for these guys in November:




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