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The detachment from the reality is quite obvious. it's going to be a tad harder sucking corporate cock Mr Cantor?

yes, you see- instead of smoking corporate pole and have your eyes shut by a big corporate jizz shpunk you should have been reading some history books. You see, when people have nothing to lose they become desperate and unpredictable.

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He is an idiot. What he (they) don't understand is these folks aren't going away. It is going to escalate. Yea Winter's coming and things will slow down, but come Spring it will be an entirely new ball game, especially if things haven't improved for the 99%. Hunger, frustration, hopelessness are catalysts for rioting. It happened in the 60's all over the country, LA in 92, and North Africa and Britian in the 21st century. All it is gonna take is one overzealous frustrated cop with a baton, mace, or Tazer.


What I find hilarious is that Democrats are voicing their support for the protests. They're just as oblivious as the counterparts. Feinstein/Pelosi are just as fucked up as Boner/Cunter. Cities aflame. You read it here first. burn baby burn. disco inferno

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All it is gonna take is one overzealous frustrated cop with a baton, mace, or Tazer.


I find it amazing that some of the police act they do, as soldiers for the corporate machine. Police are in the same social/economic level as the people who are upset about the way things are going. Didn't their pension funds get clobbered just like the rest of america's retirement plan? Don't they have to fix the mess that we do to? They pay taxes, right?

In the economic war of "us" vs. "them", they fight for "them" but are a war casualty along with "us".


Would be interesting to see the propaganda used to convince the police to do what they do to peaceful protesters.


point of clarification : Obviously there are a few members (on power trips) who give the whole population of police officers a bad rap. Maybe the police department has some kind of personality test that they figure who would be good candidates to deal with protesters.


on an important aside, RIP Gil.

Edited by genepires
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Police are in the same social/economic level as the people who are upset about the way things are going. Didn't their pension funds get clobbered just like the rest of america's retirement plan? Don't they have to fix the mess that we do to? They pay taxes, right?

In the economic war of "us" vs. "them", they fight for "them" but are a war casualty along with "us".


An SPD police office makes, on average, 6 figures. So do the officers in the 7 other west coast cities closest to Seattle in size. They are not in the same income bracket. (Source, KUOW interview last month)

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Police are in the same social/economic level as the people who are upset about the way things are going. Didn't their pension funds get clobbered just like the rest of america's retirement plan? Don't they have to fix the mess that we do to? They pay taxes, right?

In the economic war of "us" vs. "them", they fight for "them" but are a war casualty along with "us".


An SPD police office makes, on average, 6 figures. So do the officers in the 7 other west coast cities closest to Seattle in size. They are not in the same income bracket. (Source, KUOW interview last month)

I worked for a large regional government. All employees positions and salaries are on the Web. Among the top paid are the judges, PA, a top doctor and beat cops. Not seargents or captains but beat cops. They get a guaranteed %5 per year salary increase and enjoy a tatic called salary padding. The final 5 years (one needs only 20 years to retire) lots of overtime gets thrown your way so that when the pension is calculated (based on final 5 years of employment) you get to retire with a pension based on up to $200,000. Not to mention you just made $1,000,000 over the past five years thanks to the tax payers.

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