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I'm with Prole, we should all vote for a progressive Kenyan Muslim who will ignore the parts of the constitution he doesn't like to snuff US citizens so as to show how politically correct we are! :P Geese..it must be a slow news day.


Ha! If only it were so simple.


Listen Bill, capitalism has failed, democracy has failed. It is time for drastic measures. Prole has a plan.

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I'm with Prole, we should all vote for a progressive Kenyan Muslim who will ignore the parts of the constitution he doesn't like to snuff US citizens so as to show how politically correct we are!



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think of how many american citizens President Lincoln assassinated without even so much as charging them with a crime!!!!

good point, though admitedly not a perfect analogy, as they were mostly folks shot dead on a battlefield, musket in hand - the predator drone is a tool that's pretty creepy no matter who you're using it on - what part of "terminator" didn't that damn thing's designer not understand? :)

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There is the small matter of the offending sign being painted over (ie, removed) 3 decades ago...long before Perry got into politics.


Not that that's relevant at all in this groundbreaking 'story'.


Anybody want to legalize pot in WA? I've got an I502 petition at my place on Phinney.


No whining required.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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There is the small matter of the offending sign being painted over (ie, removed) 3 decades ago...long before Perry got into politics.


Not that that's relevant at all in this groundbreaking 'story'.


Anybody want to legalize pot in WA? I've got an I502 petition at my place on Phinney.


No whining required.



Try reading the article next time, dumbass.


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There is the small matter of the offending sign being painted over (ie, removed) 3 decades ago...long before Perry got into politics.


Not that that's relevant at all in this groundbreaking 'story'.


Anybody want to legalize pot in WA? I've got an I502 petition at my place on Phinney.


No whining required.


feel free to scribble my name on there - make sure its completly illegible so they're sure it looks like my real one :)

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There is the small matter of the offending sign being painted over (ie, removed) 3 decades ago...long before Perry got into politics.


Not that that's relevant at all in this groundbreaking 'story'.


Anybody want to legalize pot in WA? I've got an I502 petition at my place on Phinney.


No whining required.



Try reading the article next time, dumbass.



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There is the small matter of the offending sign being painted over (ie, removed) 3 decades ago...long before Perry got into politics.


Not that that's relevant at all in this groundbreaking 'story'.


Anybody want to legalize pot in WA? I've got an I502 petition at my place on Phinney.


No whining required.



Try reading the article next time, dumbass.

i read an article that said much of the area had the name niggerhead - offensive or not, folks who live in a place a long time don't generally change their geographic habits in an eye-blink - i betcha he don't call it that anymore, eh? but the bottomline is, who gives a shit what word he used in the past or the present, what's he going to do as president to help out black folks? i bet there's more than a few such folks out there who would gladly excuse him his racial language in exchange for an end on the war on drugs, badmouthing welfare, improving spending for schools in predominatly black area, pumping up a prison industry that chews through black folks like fat kids through doritoes, etc., etc. etc. not that they'll be likely to get that from a republican anyway, which is why hardly any black folks vote for the elephant, and why, ultimately, this story is pretty goddamn irrelevant! :)

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I'm with Ivan on this, non-issue. I could see the revulsion cause he's a Texan, but not that he took a year to paint over a rock at a place he infrequently went too that his parents owned at the time...moving on, what else ya got?


PS, the president probably isn't a Muslim, I was just kidding.


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I'm with Prole, we should all vote for a progressive Kenyan Muslim who will ignore the parts of the constitution he doesn't like to snuff US citizens so as to show how politically correct we are! :P Geese..it must be a slow news day.


OHH Bill :(

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...while the nutjobs run circles around complacent liberals.

funny, my wife's a screaming liberal and currently home-schooling our kids, maybe we can balance out them damn iowans? :)


Legal weed'll help.


Yup, it will. It'll help a lot of things and a lot of people. It's a concrete issue that can be won in a concrete way through concrete efforts.


Not something you're probably familiar with. Resume whining about a rock, by all means. We're all very concerned.

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By all means, continue waging the Battle For Dank Buds. Having some experience in an area with the most permissive marijuana laws in the country, I can tell you, it's cool too be able to walk a block or two and get a big 'ol slice of chemo-strength 7-Up Cake, but I'm not too worried about coming up with something to say when my grandchildren ask me what I did in the Ganja Wars.

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