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Let's try it with ducks and see:


Not only is the Tonka pileup an impediment, but there's a flock of walking ducklings following mother duck southbound in the fast lane. Traffic is ducked to say the least.




Oh, man, it's too good! DFA has to go pee now!




[ 10-03-2002, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

The Doctor understands what y'all are saying. DFA is not about to become hyperactively self-censoring, however, just to avoid offending one or two people once in a while. That kind of attitude, taken to it's logical extreme, would result in almost nothing being funny because it might offend someone. Talk to 20 people, and you'll surely find 20 things that most people would joke about but that each those people finds offensive.


Furthermore, the Doctor would like to clarify that his comment was about a totally random act of violence that he figured most anyone would find ridiculous, which was the point. The Doctor wasn't joking about parents beating their kids, or any number of other more realistic, serious, and likely forms of child abuse, because that shit truly isn't funny. DFA would have said what he said had we been talking about nuns, mothers, dogs, Trask, or anyone, because the idea of kicking some random person in the teeth for laughing at you is so prima facie ridiculous that it's hard to assign any serious value to it.

What a fucking backpeddling cop-out.

You didn't say "random person":

"Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth..."


I'd like to see you explain "a lack of serious value" in your post to a female student of mine who came to school with teeth missing because her dad punched her in the mouth.

Comments like yours don't offend me, they piss me off.

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Originally posted by ScottP:


Originally posted by Lambone:

Hey, it could have been pornographic rather then violent...


Either way, Scott sits from upon a very high horse...

No, I work with kids who get physical abuse at home. They don't think it's a joke either.


Yeah, maybe I'm being overly-sensitive about it, and maybe I saw the sarcasm, but from where I dwell(which isn't up on a high horse), it's not a funny subject and I refuse to silently let somebody, even jokingly, advocate abuse of children.

So, if you think "Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth when their parents aren't looking" is funny...

Fuck you.

I didn't think DFA was funny either, but playing internet cop is kind of a lost cause, especialy on this site.


I had a hard time holding back a while ago when some dick was posting those photos of the special olimpics, but I figured what's the use, people will say and think what they want...

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DFA: Furthermore, the Doctor would like to clarify that his comment was about a totally random act of violence that he figured most anyone would find ridiculous, which was the point. The Doctor wasn't joking about parents beating their kids, or any number of other more realistic, serious, and likely forms of child abuse, because that shit truly isn't funny. DFA would have said what he said had we been talking about nuns, mothers, dogs, Trask, or anyone, because the idea of kicking some random person in the teeth for laughing at you is so prima facie ridiculous that it's hard to assign any serious value to it.



What a fucking backpeddling cop-out.

You didn't say "random person":

"Also, if small children laugh at you, just kick them in the teeth..."


I'd like to see you explain "a lack of serious value" in your post to a female student of mine who came to school with teeth missing because her dad punched her in the mouth.

Comments like yours don't offend me, they piss me off.


You're obviously more interested in being pissed off and showing DFA to be wrong than actually having a discussion here, but for some reason, the Doctor is compelled to continue trying to explain himself. Go figure.


DFA's original comment, you're right, is not about a random person, but a small child. The Doctor's mention of "a random person" in the above explanation was in reference to the fact that the child in question was probably previously unknown to the tooth-kicker. You are choosing to ignore key parts of the Doctor's explanation so you can continue in your self-righteous tirade.


And, the Doctor is not "back-pedaling" or copping out here. He was trying to clarify what he said, so that maybe you wouldn't be so upset. He feels that there is a very clear distinction between what he said (when children laugh at you, kick 'em in the teeth), and a serious advocation of child abuse.


If, at this point, you are still unable to discern the difference here, then the Doctor is done "discussing" it with you. You can continue to trot out stories of heinous child abuse trying to make the Doctor look like a shithead, but what you are talking about and what the Doctor was joking about are not, in fact the same thing. The difference may be too subtle for you to grasp, but it's there just the same.




[ 10-03-2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Dr Flash Amazing ]

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Originally posted by iain:


Originally posted by Lambone:

some dick was posting those photos of the special olimpics, but I figured what's the use, people will say and think what they want...

I don't think the two are comparable at all.

Why not, Scott works with child abuse victims, my sister is mentaly ill and has participated in the special olimpics. I think our feelings toward the sarcastic "jokes" were probably a bit similar.
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It could be that we use humor because we lack adequate (not having a good spelling day) emotional coping mechanisms for dealing with the brutal reality that is out there. I am sure there must be better ways to do that...


or maybe not...


I am having a rather introspective day today... (see first post on this thread)

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I didn't think DFA was funny either, but playing internet cop is kind of a lost cause, especialy on this site.


I had a hard time holding back a while ago when some dick was posting those photos of the special olimpics, but I figured what's the use, people will say and think what they want...

Yeah, I see your point.

I'm outa this one.

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I am offended that scott was offended wich offended dfa which then offended lammy wich then offended Iain and then I was again offended by trask schlong.... did I forget anybody??? [Razz]


child abuse, the kind that actualy happens is not funny!


when I was a kid and my dad saw children misbehaving arround us his comment was without fail "kill the kid" along with the ever populare "you had siblings, they just didn't make it" and " I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it"


I have never in 30 years seen my father harm any living thing that he did not intend to eat(ie deer, ducks etc.)


we can not silence eachother for what may come of what we might say, or we become that wich our country has fought against from it's inseption.

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Originally posted by Lambone:

Why not, Scott works with child abuse victims, my sister is mentaly ill and has participated in the special olimpics. I think our feelings toward the sarcastic "jokes" were probably a bit similar.

I didn't mean from the receiving end, I meant from the delivering end. I've come to view DFA as a fairly sarcastic fellow, and someone who genuinely doesn't represent anyone who would actually kick _anything_ in the teeth. He even appears downright sensitive at times (worried about sounding like texplorita here). The other guy who posted the special olympics stuff was genuine in his intentions to ridicule (which was deplorable, to say the least). My father works with abused children and I have been around many of them and seen some genuine tragedies. I caught DFA's intentions and I was not offended because I understood where he was coming from, that's all.

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