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can you hear dem

cryin in the street

dyin children

they aint got no meat

little children

starving away

if only dey had

a PAGETOP with which to play


dying children at their feet

generals wrangling over whom to eat

generalissimo still in power

ruling from his ivory tower

cause he has all the pagetops

and the world dont stop


[Roll Eyes]

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Home watching star trek

Everything's O.K.

Little do I know

Soviet missiles are on the way

The bastards set loose

The war Gods Tyr and Loki

Weatherman's predicting rain

But fire it'll be

Minutemen launching, air sirens haunting

Warheads detonating, cremating

I'm living at - Ground Zero

I'm burning at

I'm frying at

From my bed I hear the sirens

Screaming of foreboding

Populus escaping, highways overloading

Bridge is down tunnel's flooded

Only got six minutes

Head between my legs, I kiss my balls goodbye

They're finished

Mx's blasting, skyscrapers crashing

Fall out liberated, we're wasted

Jesus I beg of thee

Don't take my life

Return me to the womb

From which I was torn

Birth is a sin

And the punishment is death

I wish you had left me unborn

I shit my pants as I wait for the reaper

Lie in fetal position

Tears stream down my cheeks

As I call for my mother

And say an act of contrition

We'll fight this war with Germs and atoms

Destroy our only home

Our mutated descendants battle the next

With sticks and stones

Are we not savages

Innately destined to maim and kill?

Blame it on the environment

Heredity or evolution we're still responsible

Our intelligence any progress

At geometric rates

Yes socially we remain belligerent neonates


[ 09-19-2002, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Necronomicon ]

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After reading Bush's UN speech, I realized what was really at stake with regard to Iraq. By not forcing Saddam to fulfill what he agreed to do by the terms of surrender ending the Gulf War, the United Nations will be nothing more than a 21st century League of Nations. Its resolutions would be de facto null and void.


Bush has now committed the United States to taking on Iraq for the sake of the UN's legitimacy and that of the international order it represents. This is ironic, for here we have a president whose political party looks at the UN as a useless and wasteful socialist gab fest to now be willing to shed American blood to save its future. But the irony doesn't end there. Bush's critics, in the name of the UN and the multilateralism it represents, have accused him of "unilateralism"! So we have the possibility of America having to act alone in order to defend the international order while the rest of the world in a multilateral effort does nothing.


Irony aside, I realize now that Bush is right about Iraq, and he is taking the right approach. And I now see the true connection to the war on terrorism: Saddam and bin Laden, like Hitler and Stalin before them, are equal threats to the world order, regardless of whether they have anything to do with each other. They are an axis of evil by default. I feel as if we are back in the 1930's, staring at the "high noon of aggression" as Paul Johnson called it in his book Modern Times. Only this time it isn't Baldwin, Chamberlain, Roosevelt, Blum, and Daladier facing Hitler and Stalin; it's someone who like Winston Churchill knows what do and why it needs to get done.


We have allowed this dance with Saddam to go on for 12 years. Let's stop the music, and let slip the dogs of war. Anonymous

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We are used to treating myths and legends as things that do not actually exist. However, if we take a closer look at the cultural inheritance of a people, we notice remarkable things. For example, some cultures that live absolutely separately from each other have legends that describe one and the same thing or event. Such legends surely have certain differences, but they are basically the same. Scientist Vladimir Shemchuk has studied the curious peculiarities of folklore and compared them to certain facts from the history of our planet. Shemchuk got the following picture of life on planet Earth over thousands of years.


The Bible contains a legend that there used to be a Golden Age on the planet. Then, it was replaced by the Silver Age, then there was the Bronze Age, and it was all over with the Iron Age. The legends of American Indians and of the African and Australian tribes say that planet Earth was first inhabited by demigods: the Assures (Titans). Then, there were the Atlants. The Atlants were smaller than the Titans; they soon died, and they were replaced by the civilization of giants.


We are used to judging ancient civilizations as badly developed and primitive. Yet, some findings in mines prove that the people of ancient civilizations could mine coal. They even had electricity and manufactured plastic items. All ancient written sources of information mention giants. Most likely, those abundant written legends about giants give certain reasons to believe that giants actually lived on our planet thousands of years ago. This theory explains why ancient constructions and buildings were so huge. It was not simply because of the wish to show their power. They were needed for giant people.


Five stone figures are found in an Afghan village not far from Kabul. One of them is two meters high, another one is six, then there is a figure of 18 meters, the fourth one is 38 meters, and the last one is 54 meters high. Local people do not know the origins of those statues. Some of them think that they guard their village. However, Shemchuk believes that the height of each statue corresponds to the true height of ancient people.


The Assures could not live in the atmosphere that the planet had during those times. They were too big; they would kill themselves with their own weight. They were 50 meters high, they weighed 30 tons, their shoulders were 12 meters wide, and their bodies were five meters thick. A Russian legend about a man called Svyatogor says that he was basically lying all the time, because it was too hard for him to carry the weight of his own body.


Our ancestors were all long-lived, to say the least. Alapar, the second divine Babylonian ruler, reigned for 10,800 years. This means that the Assures’ average age reached 50 thousand years. Shemchuk calculated that having a height of 50 meters allowed one to live for tens of thousands of years. The civilization of Assures lasted for 100-200 generations.


In 1965, Italian scientist Kolossimo summarized the information of all archeological expeditions that people knew. He came to the conclusion that planet Earth used to be the arena of battles using nuclear weapons. Many ancient sources mention weapons that remind one of modern nukes. Melted stones were found in the Gobi desert, in the Middle East, in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America.


Shemchuk believes that the global catastrophe on the planet was a nuclear one. Ancient legends described mutations (Cyclop monsters with one eye only). Archeologists have found strange skeletons with several rows of teeth. Another radioactive mutation is the Mongolian race.


Numerous nuclear explosions resulted in hard rains, which, in their turn, led to the global flood. After the flood, there was a nuclear winter, which is scientifically known as global freezing. Fires made the atmosphere of the Earth less rarefied, which was not good for giant forms of life.


Practically all nations and tribes have a legend, a myth, or a tale about dragons. North American Indians have a legend about the invasion of monster dragons that killed our ancestors’ civilization. One could assume that our planet was seized by dragons.


A civilization will inevitably vanish if it does not think of its own immortality. Scientist Shemchuk urges everyone to pay attention to ecological issues and to the development of people’s psychophysical abilities. The work of scientists has only one goal: to make people understand that it is time to take serious measures. Otherwise, our civilization will be ruined.

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Originally posted by RobBob:

Yes, wiseguys, got the disease, and trying to graduate...no chance you'll shed a little light on how to do it RIGHT???

the url of the image should end in an image file like .jpg or .gif tag... i can't tell you how to do it right unless you tell me what you're doing wrong...


for example if i put the following text http://www.gifs.net/animate/kitty.gif


in between the tags and


I get this -

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From trial and error, I find that most of the time I can insert a URL .jpg/other image IF I can click on it, but I can't extract an image from a website that is not "clickable." However, I have seen that others have been able to somehow extract images (ex: Trask did with the Spaceboy in tinfoil). How do you do it???




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