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Snaffle/Legal Question


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Originally posted by sk:

Even if my man was hung better than a horse, I still would not mow the lawn. Fourtunatly men are not flexible enough to not need women

Make that 97% of men.... according to the PEOPLE'S ALMANAC c. 1975, Wallace, Wallace & Wallechinsky, eds.

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Originally posted by Dru:


Originally posted by sk:

Even if my man was hung better than a horse, I still would not mow the lawn. Fourtunatly men are not flexible enough to not need women

Make that 97% of men.... according to the PEOPLE'S ALMANAC c. 1975, Wallace, Wallace & Wallechinsky, eds.

okay dru... most men need a woman from time to time


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Originally posted by sk:


Originally posted by Dru:


Originally posted by sk:

Even if my man was hung better than a horse, I still would not mow the lawn. Fourtunatly men are not flexible enough to not need women

Make that 97% of men.... according to the PEOPLE'S ALMANAC c. 1975, Wallace, Wallace & Wallechinsky, eds.

okay dru... most men need a woman from time to time

I hear yoga workouts are a great way to improve flexibility AND meet women... so you're covered both ways boys! [big Grin]
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Originally posted by MF206er:


My neighbor has threatened to call the police over such shootings. I feel it's safe because it's not a real gun and it's contained within my property, but is this legal in the city?


Legal advice or humorous responses equally welcome.

I've been threatening to take my pellet gun to deal with the squirrrels (and the crows too) around our yard, to the annoyance of my wife. In Shoreline, at least, the ordinance (heh!) specifically outlaws firearms which use gunpowder. So, my air-powered pellet gun would be legal to shoot.

(You can't use pellet guns or potato guns to shoot at people, however. That's a misdemeanor.)

It may not be legal to kill the little critters, that's another thing. I know crows are protected, though I can't imagine why. Probably squirrels are too. But not rats.

The simplest way to avoid strife with the neighbors would be to get some of those bait tunnels and bait 'em with rat poison. That would get the rats, and the squirrels, but keep it out of reach of Fido.

Not as much fun, tho.

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One year a family of crows built a nest and had babies in a cedar tree right outside my bedroom window. The little fuckers would start crying for food about 5:00AM. Shit, they'd wake me up every morning. I finally got pissed, and blew the little bastards away with my .12 gauge. Been sleeping soundly ever since.

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Dandelions leaves, boiled for a few minutes and served with a dash of olive oil and salt, make a nice green vegetable, sort of like spinach.


It's not [HORSECOCK] but it's good climber food...


The Greeks call it 'horta', which means 'grass'. Something always gets lost in the translation...


A bit of a guess here, but I'd suggest that maybe the reason crows are protected is that they're native species (there's a forest wildlife prof at UW who's considered the world expert in crow biology... why all the crows around UW have little bands on their legs). City rats are introduced (from Europe), as are most city squirrels (from back east). Seeing as how people feel about euro-dogs and easterners, you're free to blow them away! [Wink]

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Well, a BB gun is not a firearm because there is no fire. It works on springs or air pressure. Not to say that they are any less dangerous though.


A few warnings DFA left out:

-Do not use Napalm as replacement for KY-Jelly

-Napalm and Peanut butter sandwiches are not for human consumption


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Originally posted by sk:

I was under the impression yard work was man work... like Bar-B-Qing

Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in my lawn

chair, drinking beer and watching my girlfriend mow the lawn. The neighbor lady from across the street was so outraged at this that she came over and shouted at me, "You should be hung." I calmly replied, "I am. That's why she cuts the grass".

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I've decided to move so the rodents are no longer a concern. Nice photos all. I wish I could show a photo of my kill, but it fell over a fence into some blackberries across my property line. I heard it thrash for a while then it stopped. Kill confirmed.

Good to know that I'm somewhat within my legal limits shooting in my yard, it's a pastime of mine I don't want to give up just because I live in the city. A carton of BBs and a case of 40s makes cheap entertainment and targets for a weekend [big Grin]

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this is no shit...

when i worked in yosemite, rednecks and other interesting folks would walk around the Cherry Lake forest service lands (nw of yose) with 12 guage shot guns and kill snaffles.


I believe the limit was 5 snaffles per person, per day. These guys would drive in their trucks till they found an area with large snaffle infestation and go to town.


One of them even had a hat made of snaffle pelts, very cool

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Originally posted by gapertimmy:

this is no shit...

when i worked in yosemite, rednecks and other interesting folks would walk around the Cherry Lake forest service lands (nw of yose) with 12 guage shot guns and kill snaffles.


I believe the limit was 5 snaffles per person, per day. These guys would drive in their trucks till they found an area with large snaffle infestation and go to town.


One of them even had a hat made of snaffle pelts, very cool

we used to shoot snaffles in the open county dumps...had to compete with the black bears at certain locations.


[ 08-21-2002, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: trask ]

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Originally posted by Dru:

i have heard squirrel pie is a popular dish down South. probably with maynonnaise icing

Haven't heard of that one... but a few years ago, my grandfather had a rabbit raiding his garden, so my dad shot it. He cooked it on a big ol' iron skillet, and it was quite tasty. When I was little, I ate the heart of a deer that my dad had bagged that morning. Well, it wasn't quite the full heart... you could see the bullet hole.

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