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First the Gays, Now Weed


Come on out and help make Washington the FIRST state in the union to say FU to 75 years of idiotic marijuana prohibition. Let's release hundreds of thousands (that's no joke) of innocent stoners from prison and get them back working on yurts, jewelry, and vaporizers. Let's allow thousands of the chronically ill to burn a little chronic on the way out without federal agents busting their way in.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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First the Gays, Now Weed


Come on out and help make Washington the FIRST state in the union to say FU to 75 years of idiotic marijuana prohibition. Let's release hundreds of thousands (that's no joke) of innocent stoners from prison and get them back working on yurts, jewelry, and vaporizers. Let's allow thousands of the chronically ill to burn a little chronic on the way out without federal agents busting their way in.


Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched that those folks can get back to doing whatever it is they were doing and free up some resources better spent somewhere else. But after spending time in Los Angeles over the last couple years and seeing plenty of the homeless and destitute with joints to their lips instead of pints of MD 20/20, I'm skeptical about the broader impacts. Real good marijuana-infused baked goods down there though...

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First the Gays, Now Weed


Come on out and help make Washington the FIRST state in the union to say FU to 75 years of idiotic marijuana prohibition. Let's release hundreds of thousands (that's no joke) of innocent stoners from prison and get them back working on yurts, jewelry, and vaporizers. Let's allow thousands of the chronically ill to burn a little chronic on the way out without federal agents busting their way in.


Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched that those folks can get back to doing whatever it is they were doing and free up some resources better spent somewhere else. But after spending time in Los Angeles over the last couple years and seeing plenty of the homeless and destitute with joints to their lips instead of pints of MD 20/20, I'm skeptical about the broader impacts. Real good marijuana-infused baked goods down there though...


Soma for the peeps!

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Duh, that's what this bill proposes.


I hope so, but I doubt that is the way the fed level bill would be understood by Paul and his minions. I haven't read either bills so my remark was more to suggest that legalizing MJ shouldn't imply that consuming it should be free of all constraints.

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A joint v MD 20/20 is probably an improvement, considering that alcohol directly kills 80,000 Merkins a year as opposed to pot's...zero in recorded history.


Quite a few folks will probably switch from booze to pot, which is by far the healthier alternative. It's hard to say whether people will get skinnier (from not drinking their calories) versus fatter (the Dorito factor). I'd put my money on the latter. The need for law enforcement should drop precipitously as a result, considering that booze fuels far, far more mayhem than any other drug. When a stoner asks you to step outside, its for a different reason.

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A joint v MD 20/20 is probably an improvement, considering that alcohol directly kills 80,000 Merkins a year as opposed to pot's...zero in recorded history.


hmmm, don't you think MJ is the cause of a significant number of accidents?

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Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched that those folks can get back to doing whatever it is they were doing and free up some resources better spent somewhere else. But after spending time in Los Angeles over the last couple years and seeing plenty of the homeless and destitute with joints to their lips instead of pints of MD 20/20, I'm skeptical about the broader impacts. Real good marijuana-infused baked goods down there though...


Plenty of the homeless and destitute are mentally ill and self-medicate with whatever is available.

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The initiative includes a DWUI clause for pot. Not that it's needed, cuz driving while stoned is already illegal. people who are high tend to stay put


Fixed that for 'ya


Bit of a misconception that pot makes people sedentary, but we'll leave it at that.


No one's promoting the use of pot. We just don't think getting high, in and of itself, should land anyone in prison. You know, like booze.

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Plenty of mentally ill self-medicate with whatever is available.


LOL, fixed the quote. We certainly see that right here on CC.com from our own home grown nasty progressives oppressives who don't seem to be able to not personally attack anyone who doesn't agree with their (often invalid and poorly formed) opinion. :lmao:


Hey bitches: smoke on this:-) :ass:


...anyway....be nice to see prices come down so that said bitches can learn that the supply/demand curve is a real thing:-) LOL!

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Yup. if you get pulled over and smell like weed (or, more likely, the cop says you smell like weed cuz he doesn't like your ass for some reason), then you might get to take a blood test and get busted for the joint you smoked 3 days ago.


Of course, that could happen right now, so no change there.


The big difference is when you're smoking a joint without a vehicle and the cop gets to drive on by and deal with more important things rather than wasting tax dollars dragging another harmless hippy to the slammer.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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