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Bolt Clipping


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Originally posted by Dave Schuldt:

Scott- you can only begin to understand when you have smoked enough pot, full understand will come when you drop acid.

I have done my share for sure!

Dropping 10 sugar cubes with a guy named "Grateful Ted" on Haight street in 91 should count for something right?


"Never drop anything less than a 10 strip"

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"Did you notice that the bolts were gone also, or just the hangers? If I had glued the hangers back onto the rock sans bolts would you have merrily clipped them?"


There were 2 bolts that still were sticking out of the rock that had no hangers. I guess a lemming tried to pull the bolts out.


Your kid got tired?

What a freakin wussie - maybe he was bleeding from the crotch as well, must have been time to change his panties. [Razz]



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Originally posted by scot'teryx:

...After just finally getting into trad (way too late), I did my first trad lead this weekend at Clamshell Cave, and once I got to the top I noticed that the hangers were missing off of the bolts...

A year ago at age four my son was following trad routes at clamshell cave. Not only did he clean the pitches after I led them, he didn't whine about not having enough bolts to clip. You are not just a late bloomer scot'fuk, you are a wussie. You do not have what it takes. Before you insult and belittle children, make sure they are not more man than you are.

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pickin on four yr. olds now? you're a shitass scotty and always will be. a fukin whinny, short-peckered, fat-assed, inept third world ugly cocksucker. go fuk yurself with yur midget pecker you slimbsnot shitstick.


[ 07-02-2002, 06:52 AM: Message edited by: trask ]

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Originally posted by Dennis Harmon:

you DO NOT insult my friend's son and walk away unscathed and just walk away. Watch your back. Dennis

Hey Retro, you got a leash for your little ankle biter? Don't get all huffy, I'm not talking about your kid, unless things are stranger between you and Dennis than we know...

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Originally posted by scot'teryx:


Your kid got tired?

What a freakin wussie - maybe he was bleeding from the crotch as well, must have been time to change his panties.



Ya know Scott thrashing on someones kid shows a total lack of tact. We already knew that about you, but you might want to look for some kind of school that can help someone with your retardation.

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Just when Scotty was showing signs of redemption by dint of persistance and exhibiting a sense of humor, he's gotta go searching for the limits of what's acceptable in Spray. [Roll Eyes]


On the otherhand, the business of Retro trotting out the "my kid was tired and I had to go read him stories" struck me as a blantant attempt to add a warm and fuzzy spin to Retro's press release. I can just see it, "Mitch Merriman, tireless defender of the spirit of climbing's virtue, and dutiful father," as a voiceover with a heroic shot of Retro perched atop Bruce's Boulder, head lifted in profile, silhouetted against the sky with perhaps a distant American flag flapping in the breeze, his arm around a young boy looking up at him with adoration in his eyes. Damn Retro, are you running for county commissioner or something? [big Grin]


[ 07-02-2002, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: RayBonbon ]

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