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Real Bin Laden vids

Osama faces the camera and maintains eye contact.

Camera zooms in for close ups of his face.

In focus

good lighting

good sound quality for voice ID

you can clearly identify that it is Bin Laden


Fake Bin Laden vids

double does not face camera, does not maintain eye contact

no close ups of face

out of focus

poor lighting (dark)

poor sound quality, high background noise

you can not clearly identify person except for about 3 frames when the double turns his face upwards and the lower half is exposed to lighting.


specific facial differences

mainly the nose length difference, real Osama has a longer nose than fake Osama


look at the distance from the eye's center-line to the nostril center-line, then look at the distance from the nostril line to the lip center-line.


On the real Osama the nostril line is about 2/3 down between the eyes and the lips. On the fake Osama the nostril line is about 1/2 way down between the eyes and the lips.


also note the puffy cheeks of the fake Osama compared to the flat cheeks of the real Osama.


Here's an excerpt from the "confession" vid. Tell me if you can clearly identify who this really is with this quality of vid.





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The interesting thing about the conspiracy theorist is this:


Here's a person who firmly believes in the concept of human perfection - that 'the other side' is capable of pulling off world-wide hoaxes on the rest of humanity which, apparently, is somewhat less than perfect in that same person's view.


The basic, unfulfilled emotional need here becomes obvious. The theorist's need to be seen as perfect - smarter, 'ahead of the herd', and all that.


Once trapped in this bubble, it can be hard to get out, because the theorist rejects all counter evidence and arguments as being either an active or passive part of the conspiracy. The more opposition they get, the more that emotional approval hole gets filled up.


The rest of us recognize that humans are inherently fallible, particularly when taking on risky propositions; even the most highly trained people on the planet fuck up (witness the crashed helicopter in the recent raid)...and we're also inherently blabber mouths.


In the end, the hard core conspiracy theorist winds up relating only to other hard core conspiracy theorists...everyone else moves on because there are a lot better ways to spend your energy.


The bubble is then complete.

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Simple answer?


I don't watch TV (it's in the closet), I spend that time researching things.


with the advent of the internet there is a huge library at your fingertips, all you have to do is tap into it.


maybe it's because I'm single and financially set, so I have more time


but the info is out there you just have to spend the time


""Here's a person who firmly believes in the concept of human perfection - that 'the other side' is capable of pulling off world-wide hoaxes on the rest of humanity which, apparently, is somewhat less than perfect in that same person's view.""


No the hoax is not perfect. Propaganda is expensive, they bring it to a level that will convince 90% of the people, because that's good enough. It's not cost effective to make it perfect. But it takes time and diligence to sort it out and discover that 10 percent error that proves it's false.


For the person that has no time due to life circumstance this may be impossible. So they take the expedient route and believe the TV and we end up where we are now.


There's a reason that education and jobs are going to hell. They don't want people smart enough to figure out they are being screwed. They want you working two jobs so even if your smart you don't have enough time.


"everyone else moves on because there are a lot better ways to spend your energy."


I would rather spend a little time and thus avoid being an unwitting victim.



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The saddest irony of it is how politically debilitating this line of activity really is. Why bother organizing or engaging when the foe is a monolithic, omniscient power ten steps ahead of any possible maneuver? Why bother addressing the obvious, visible manifestations of oppression when you can cast yourself as the star of your own Hardy Boys book? Typical white people bullshit.

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"that 'the other side' is capable of pulling off world-wide hoaxes on the rest of humanity"


The CIA and alphabet agencies are the police arm of the monied elite. It's hard to comprehend their power because they have worked in secret for so long and their capabilities have evolved over decades. I compare it to a well evolved piece of machinery like a desktop PC. If you were highly educated and followed the technical development from day one you might understand exactly how a PC works, otherwise it's only a mystery. This is not the best comparison though because knowledge of PC's is fully available unlike the secrets of the CIA.


""The theorist's need to be seen as perfect - smarter, 'ahead of the herd', and all that.""


It's the journey that's important to me, what other people think is peripheral. What's wrong with not being one of the people that can be fooled all the time? Intelligence is part of it, but education is more important.


""because the theorist rejects all counter evidence and arguments as being either an active or passive part of the conspiracy""


No, everything is weighed factually, the governments argument just doesn't hold up to factual educated scrutiny.


""and we're also inherently blabber mouths.""


a popular argument. Too many people would know and someone would talk. The CIA has the largest collection of high paid highly trained assassins of any agency in the world. If they want you dead, you are most likely dead. It's like the mafia, you don't talk and you can never leave. Sure sometimes people get into a position to talk, if they can't be killed then their exposure in the media is distorted and held back. This can be a legitimate source of info though. Some insiders that go rouge realize they can talk if they remain low exposure low profile.


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I don't let it run my life, I think it's been like this since time began so who cares? I just think truth is stranger and more interesting than fiction. It's more fun gazing down the rabbit hole than following who's winning on American Idol or Dancing With the Stars.


""Why bother addressing the obvious, visible manifestations of oppression?"


who says it's all that difficult?, everyone can play a part, from donating to worthy causes like environmental charities to arguing the points on the internet.


"Typical white people bullshit."


yes, we are all a product of our respective environments

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"that 'the other side' is capable of pulling off world-wide hoaxes on the rest of humanity"


The CIA and alphabet agencies are the police arm of the monied elite. It's hard to comprehend their power because they have worked in secret for so long and their capabilities have evolved over decades. I compare it to a well evolved piece of machinery like a desktop PC. If you were highly educated and followed the technical development from day one you might understand exactly how a PC works, otherwise it's only a mystery. This is not the best comparison though because knowledge of PC's is fully available unlike the secrets of the CIA.


""The theorist's need to be seen as perfect - smarter, 'ahead of the herd', and all that.""


It's the journey that's important to me, what other people think is peripheral. What's wrong with not being one of the people that can be fooled all the time? Intelligence is part of it, but education is more important.


""because the theorist rejects all counter evidence and arguments as being either an active or passive part of the conspiracy""


No, everything is weighed factually, the governments argument just doesn't hold up to factual educated scrutiny.


""and we're also inherently blabber mouths.""


a popular argument. Too many people would know and someone would talk. The CIA has the largest collection of high paid highly trained assassins of any agency in the world. If they want you dead, you are most likely dead. It's like the mafia, you don't talk and you can never leave. Sure sometimes people get into a position to talk, if they can't be killed then their exposure in the media is distorted and held back. This can be a legitimate source of info though. Some insiders that go rouge realize they can talk if they remain low exposure low profile.


You mean like that ex CIA interrogator stating in his low profile NYT op ed last week about how torture doesn't work?


"I don't watch TV."...you could have fooled us with the B movie plot that is your belief system. What you forgot to add is what you really meant: "...and you all do, and that's where you get all your opinions and information."


Typical need to be the smartest kid in the room. Oh well, 'craziest' ain't too bad, eh? Here's a hint: there are a lot of smart, skeptical folks who take care about where they get their info and how they analyze it. Their disagreement with your kooky ideas is evidence for that, not against.


You, in contrast, apparently filter you information sources to the outermost margins...no real vetting required, as long as its novel enough, eh? Hint: contrarianism for its own sake is neither virtue nor value.


It's a disorder.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Thanks for the recap of liberal politics for the Internet Age: On the one hand, society is controlled by implacable, terrifyingly powerful shadow forces. Citizen sleuths uncover the "real truth". On the other, our problems are easily solvable by putting a check in the mail to the nonprofit of your choice. Win-win, I barely have to get my heart-rate above 90.



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I barely have to get my heart-rate above 90.





For most of the conspiracy theorists, with their raging diabetes and HTN, their resting HR is about 120. God bless America; Land of the internet education, sedentary lifestyle and the home of the brave!

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Your entire "argument" is against me personally


you can't won't argue any of my points


can you identify "bin Laden" in the last vid? BE HONEST


90% of the populace does get their "news" from the TV, I'm not talking about you personally, I don't know you, like you don't know me.


have you noticed it's not even hard news anymore? like who won the lotto or American Idol, like what little blond girl got kidnapped. Like 100 yards of killing a patsy figurehead without 1 inch of real evidence.


"It's a disorder."


attack the messenger when you can't counter the message


"""At first the truth is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, and finally it is accepted as self-evident."""

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There is a real war going on the environmental front, and money is the easiest way to help if you don't have time


I would think the planet is sort of important to our survival


maybe you take the right wing view that man is not capable of doing substantial damage to the earth?


you can always gauge an "argument" by the level of personal ad-hom attack

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"ex CIA interrogator stating in his low profile NYT op ed last week about how torture doesn't work?"


A minor point, there are internecine battles, there is also something called "limited hang-out". Admit the minor points to protect and distract from the major ones. Clue, you will NEVER see ex CIA in the NYT saying there is no evidence connecting Bin Laden to 911, although they will say that in smaller venues.


""Typical need to be the smartest kid in the room.""


Jealousy? What's wrong with being in the top 10%?


"Their disagreement with your kooky ideas is evidence for that, not against."


No, their disagreement lies in not having studied the topic closely for the better part of 10 years.


Until this thread did you realize the depth to which the Bin Laden vids have been analyzed? Be honest.


We are off topic Tvash, sidetracked with personal attacks.


Since you take care about where you get your info, show me the info that backs up your stance.


We can start with some real evidence that they just killed Bin Laden. See if you can come up with just one piece of hard evidence.


If you can do that then go on to trying to tie Bin Laden to 911, good luck the FBI couldn't do it.

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"ex CIA interrogator stating in his low profile NYT op ed last week about how torture doesn't work?"


A minor point, there are internecine battles, there is also something called "limited hang-out". Admit the minor points to protect and distract from the major ones. Clue, you will NEVER see ex CIA in the NYT saying there is no evidence connecting Bin Laden to 911, although they will say that in smaller venues.


""Typical need to be the smartest kid in the room.""


Jealousy? What's wrong with being in the top 10%?


"Their disagreement with your kooky ideas is evidence for that, not against."


No, their disagreement lies in not having studied the topic closely for the better part of 10 years.


Until this thread did you realize the depth to which the Bin Laden vids have been analyzed? Be honest.


We are off topic Tvash, sidetracked with personal attacks.


Since you take care about where you get your info, show me the info that backs up your stance.


We can start with some real evidence that they just killed Bin Laden. See if you can come up with just one piece of hard evidence.


If you can do that then go on to trying to tie Bin Laden to 911, good luck the FBI couldn't do it.


Dood, why should I waste time on your amateur innernutz BS when I can get plug into the treadmill at the club and watch Hannity do a much more professional job of it? You don't got no Nerf, myan. Review your what what? If some raver told you the moon was getting closer, would you drop what you're doing and scramble to check it out?


Remember, people, DO NOT GET YOUR NEWS HERE.


This is just all in good fun.

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If you were highly educated and followed the technical development from day one you might understand exactly how a PC works, otherwise it's only a mystery.



and for his next trick, bob will explain, in detail, the workings of a television. without resorting to wikipedia.



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Oh, and I DO know how a PC works:


1) Plug it in


2) Wait for the little blinky blue lights on that modem thingy


and ShaZaaaammm!


3) some chick's taking a kreemy load right in the face right in front of you!


you nailed it haha omg.

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well, i was gonna be an ass, but it's true, you are sometimes funny.


in the middle-age heavy-weight category. with some kind of golf handicap added, of course.


this is from a middle-age heavy-weight, so take it as a complement. boom.

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