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“But it's amazing how these Republicans, the right wing of this party – whose philosophy threw us into this God-awful hole we’re in, gave us the tremendous deficit we’ve inherited – that they’re now using, now attempting to use, the very economic condition they have created to blame the victim – whether it’s organized labor or ordinary middle-class working men and women. It's bizarre. It's bizarre.”


Joe Biden compares Republicans to ...

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You are a clown who now wants underpaid public employees to take a cut but who didn't want the upper 1% to pay taxes.


Public pensions are the item under question, not salaries. And the argument has been that they are unsustainable. Funny how this is not an issue in the private sector. I wonder how that could be... hmmm.


Because the company declares bankruptcy and dumps the pension on the PBGC fucking over everyone? Ask an airline employee sometime.


Sweet jesus you fuckers are retarded.


Go from one extreme to the other to justify one piece of idiocy with another, and then call someone else a fucking retard. :grlaf:


Of course you, like j_b and prole, have no solutions.



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Yeah Jim, I guess we just have to face the fact that Washingtonians are fucking morons. Thanks for the reality check.


Good little libtard: show your true disdain for your fellow citizens. Yeah, you really "care" about people. :grlaf:


Here's one now. Get this Kojak, your voting record in this state for the last ten years is shit. If one were to do an impact study just on the dumbass initiatives you people passed, I guarantee we'd find those missing millions without breaking a sweat. Tollbooth operators and bus drivers, what a joke.

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Tollbooth operators and bus drivers, what a joke.


I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle!


Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL.



Joe the Plumber?


Whatever it takes to deflect attention from your shit voting record and the role those initiatives and pols have had in driving state finances into a ditch, huh Kojak?

Edited by prole
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Tollbooth operators and bus drivers, what a joke.


I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle!


Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL.


as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off.

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Tollbooth operators and bus drivers, what a joke.


I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle!


Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL.


as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off.


pizda ty zhopoglaznaya

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Tollbooth operators and bus drivers, what a joke.


I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle!


Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL.


as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off.


pizda ty zhopoglaznaya


KK is choking on dick, again

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Tollbooth operators and bus drivers, what a joke.


I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle!


Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL.


as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off.


pizda ty zhopoglaznaya


KK is choking on dick, again



More like on scrotum. FW stated some time ago he is the best ball licker west of Mississippi.

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March Madness for Corporate Tax Dodgers

Top seeds in the Tax Haven Tourney: banks and power companies

by Paul Buchheit


The small companies and public didn't have a chance in the early rounds. Now it's down to a few formidable corporate teams, the Cheat 16:


- General Electric made $10.3 billion in 2009, but received a $1.1 billion tax rebate.


- Forbes said about Bank of America in 2010: "How did they not pay any taxes on $4.4 billion in income?"


- Oil giant Exxon made a $45 billion profit in 2009, but paid no taxes in the United States.


- Citigroup had 4 quarters of billion-dollar profits in 2010, but paid no taxes.


- Wells Fargo made $12 billion but purchased Wachovia Bank to claim a $19 billion tax credit.


- Hewlett Packard's U.S. income tax rate was 4.3% in 2008 and 2.3% in 2009.


- Verizon's 10.5% tax rate, according to Forbes, is due to its partnership with Vodafone, the primary target in UK Uncut's protests against tax evaders.


- Chevron's tax rate was 1% in 2008.


- Boeing, which just won a $30 billion contract to build 179 airborne tankers, got $124 million back from the taxpayers in 2010.


- Over the past 5 years Amazon made $3.5 billion and paid taxes at the rate of 4.3%.


- Carnival Cruise Lines paid 1% in taxes on its $11.5 billion profit over the past 5 years.


- Koch Industries is not publicly traded, so their antics are kept private. But they benefit from taxpayer subsidies in ranching and logging.


- In 2008 CorporateWatch said Rupert Murdoch's Newscorp paid "astoundingly low taxes" because of tax havens.


- Google "cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the last three years by shifting its money around foreign countries.


- Merck, the second-largest drugmaker in the U.S., last year brought more than $9 billion from abroad without paying any U.S. tax.


- Pfizer, the largest drugmaker in the U.S., erased $10 billion in taxes with an "accounting treatment."


All the above has been documented by US Uncut Chicago members on PayUpNow.org .


Who's projected for the Final Frauding Four?


Best Defense: Google uses a game plan called a "Double Irish Defense," which moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda.


Best Offense: GE's 2010 SEC 10-K tax filing boldly states: "At December 31, 2010, $94 billion of earnings have been indefinitely reinvested outside the United States...we do not intend to repatriate these earnings.."


Most Steals: Citigroup: 427 tax haven subsidiaries


Best Trash talk: A General Electric spokeswoman: “G.E. pays many other taxes including payroll taxes on the wages of our employees, property taxes, sales and use and value added taxes."


Most game-ending bailouts: Bank of America received $45 Billion in tax payer bailout funds in 2008 and 2009. In 2009 the company earned a pretax income of $4.4 billion, but claimed a $1.9 Billion tax benefit from the government.


Teams with the most reserves:

General Electric: $77 billion

Google: $24 billion

That's 2 companies holding $101 billion that could be invested in jobs.


Tax Haven Tourney Champion? GE is the Duke of Tax Avoidance.



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isn't this thread boring yet?


I'm pleased to note that the March TR contest is having the desired side effect of dramatically increasing the amount of entertaining climbing related content, along with some really nice photos.


Spending less time in Spray can improve your overall CC.com experience

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Teams with the most reserves:

General Electric: $77 billion

Google: $24 billion

That's 2 companies holding $101 billion that could be invested in jobs.


Tax Haven Tourney Champion? GE is the Duke of Tax Avoidance.




Hey, j_b, Google's hiring. You should apply!

I am sure there is a job as a lickbagger somewhere- you should apply

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