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Another Right-Wing Loon Makes the News


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Nobody is making up that the corporate media mostly ignored the attempting bombing of an MLK march, while they usually hype up anything that could be construed as terrorism despite Tvash's claims to the contrary.


Funny thing is, in the top 3 stories I read, the term 'domestic terrorism' is used over and over again. Am I...missing something here? Perhaps I should dribble free trade organic lemon juice over my monitor to reveal the hidden subtext....

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I've made no claims other than your originally posted blogurd was crap.


liar. You claimed that it wasn't true that Spokane wasn't reported like other terrorist attempts



Attributing strawmen opinions to your critics...well, that's Faux's bread and butter, isn't it?


You're not fighting the problem, you're part of it, DOOD.


what senseless drivel. not a single assertion substantiated.

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I've made no claims other than your originally posted blogurd was crap.


liar. You claimed that it wasn't true that Spokane wasn't reported like other terrorist attempts


Can you quote me on that?


Nope, didn't think so. But such an observation is irrelevant, as the event was reported on most media outlets appropriately. It's just not a very complicated story yet...since the investigation has yet to reveal anything (they still don't know who left the bomb).


Plus, the investigation just started and the story is ongoing. A bit too early to cry 'cover up!!!!'...unless you need to.




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The first thing I do in any controversy is check the basic claims. This one took about 30 seconds to debunk. It usually doesn't usually need to go any further than that. The first thing people do after an even like this is to start making shit up.


you haven't debunked anyhting. On the contrary I showed you were talking out of your ass when you claimed it wasn't true that Spokane wasn't reported like other terror attempts.

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liar. You claimed that it wasn't true that Spokane wasn't reported like other terrorist attempts


Can you quote me on that?


Nope, didn't think so. But such an observation is irrelevant, as the event was reported on most media outlets appropriately. It's just not a very complicated story yet...since the investigation has yet to reveal anything (they still don't know who left the bomb).


Plus, the investigation just started and the story is ongoing. A bit too early to cry 'cover up!!!!'...unless you need to.


enough drivel. If it had an Arab MO the media would have gone wild 24x7 up to now. Everybody knows it and you are some fuckwit to pretend otherwise. End of story.

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Self described 'journalists' who use phrases like 'might have', or 'could have' get appropriately stuffed into my recycle bin. That's laziness...and a lack of interviewing access.


Sorry, there's too much good professional journalism out there to bother with the amateurs. The problem isn't a lack of good journalism - its an overwhelming flood of bad or non-journalism, such as the blog post from this OP, and a lazy unwillingness on the part of readers to discern the difference.


But what do I know? I'm just a fuckwhit talkin' out my ass.

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