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Who are the poor?


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I don't even know what this means. :confused:


Anyway, I don't care about his politics, we probably agree most of the time. I'm a libtard, anyway. But he does come off as a whiny little bitch, who calls everyone names and cries all the time.


Pointing out that the thugs use fascist tactics to try demonizing me isn't "whining" moron. Try to learn a little history, please stop making an ignorant ass out of yourself.

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Do latinos have significantly fewer cars than the US average, Yes! Does it translate in their inability to shop around? yes!


Do latino laborers take jobs that other people wouldn't take? yes! do they have good work ethics on avergae? yes! Does it translate in their being good workers, on average? yes!


Do latino neighborhoods have plummeting crime rates? yes.


None of these are assumptions. Do you know what an assumption is?



i also heard they beat their wives, which is really cornfusing too me :)

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pink, you're such a dimwit racist fuck commie-fascist regressive corporate shill bigot.


don't forget uneducated, incoherent, half ass climbing, paint slinging dirtbag :wave:


With a really big dick?


no kevbone everybody know white guy's have small dicks... what??? ur a racist too :noway:

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so? do you contest that on average few latinos have cars which makes them loyal customers? of course not, you are a troll.



i disagree, but trolls definitely have fewer cars, that's why ROB ride's has a BICYCLE ;)

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Americans Vastly Underestimate Wealth Inequality, Support 'More Equal Distribution Of Wealth': Study


Americans vastly underestimate the degree of wealth inequality in America, and we believe that the distribution should be far more equitable than it actually is, according to a new study.


Or, as the study's authors put it: "All demographic groups -- even those not usually associated with wealth redistribution such as Republicans and the wealthy -- desired a more equal distribution of wealth than the status quo."


The report (pdf) "Building a Better America -- One Wealth Quintile At A Time" by Dan Ariely of Duke University and Michael I. Norton of Harvard Business School (hat tip to Paul Kedrosky), shows that across ideological, economic and gender groups, Americans thought the richest 20 percent of our society controlled about 59 percent of the wealth, while the real number is closer to 84 percent.


More interesting than that, the report says, is that the respondents (a randomly selected 5,522-person sample, reflecting the country's ideological, economic and gender demographics, surveyed in December 2005) believed the top 20 percent should own only 32 percent of the wealth. Respondents with incomes over $100,000 per year had similar answers to those making less than $50,000. (The report has helpful, multi-colored charts.)


The respondents were presented with unlabeled pie charts representing the wealth distributions of the U.S., where the richest 20 percent controlled about 84 percent of wealth, and Sweden, where the top 20 percent only controlled 36 percent of wealth. Without knowing which country they were picking, 92 percent of respondents said they'd rather live in a country with Sweden's wealth distribution.


As the new Forbes billionaires list, released Wednesday, testifies, the richest Americans are getting richer, even as the country as a whole gets poorer. After 2005 income inequality continued to balloon.


more (including link to study): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/23/americans-support-wealth-redistribution_n_736132.html

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Pink also thinks that putting a white face on a black man is funny


and is what i wanna know is who put the black face on that white man???


You guys see that Sarah Silverman episode where she goes black face for a day to feel what its like to be black.


Netflix it.


Hooooleeeee SHEEEit that one's funny.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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