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Thanks Again, Republitards!!


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Frankly, I would have a problem with a teacher who was singing the praises of Eugene Debs too. Hell, even the libtard-likes of Woodrow Wilson and Oliver Wendell Holmes thought the guy was a piece of shit. As for the poster, well, think about what, as a parent, you would do if you discovered your child's teacher was promoting the life and ideals of Eugene McCarthy--and had a poster/lesson plan to this effect. I suspect you would be (rightly) pissed off.



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Frankly, I would have a problem with a teacher who was singing the praises of Eugene Debs too. Hell, even the libtard-likes of Woodrow Wilson and Oliver Wendell Holmes thought the guy was a piece of shit. As for the poster, well, think about what, as a parent, you would do if you discovered your child's teacher was promoting the life and ideals of Eugene McCarthy--and had a poster/lesson plan to this effect. I suspect you would be (rightly) pissed off.


yeah, cuz the article clearly upholds the notion that 8-ball is an apostle of debs :rolleyes:


i have quotes from stalin n' hitler on my wall - does that mean i'm promiting their life n' ideals?


would you have felt so goddamn almighty to have done the same?

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Ivan's at the teacher's podium. A poster of Stalin is the least of a parent's worries.


You gotta love overprotective parents...like they can really limit their children's access to ideas? Good luck. Parents who freak out over that shit are a pain in the ass to everyone involved: most especially their kids, who usually wind up blowing them off in the end anyway.

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These cuntz were guests of a school that graciously allowed them to use its facilities. They thanked the school with vandalism. It doesn't matter what was on the wall: that was none of their fucking business.


Low culture at its best. Go Baggers.


Here's to hoping they run their own candidates.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Frankly, I would have a problem with a teacher who was singing the praises of Eugene Debs too. Hell, even the libtard-likes of Woodrow Wilson and Oliver Wendell Holmes thought the guy was a piece of shit. As for the poster, well, think about what, as a parent, you would do if you discovered your child's teacher was promoting the life and ideals of Eugene McCarthy--and had a poster/lesson plan to this effect. I suspect you would be (rightly) pissed off.


yeah, cuz the article clearly upholds the notion that 8-ball is an apostle of debs :rolleyes:


i have quotes from stalin n' hitler on my wall - does that mean i'm promiting their life n' ideals?


would you have felt so goddamn almighty to have done the same?


Nope. I'm just proposing that, once again, your libtard anger is hypocritical. That said, I have no doubt whatsoever that a tool like Choada would have made my theoretical poster "disappear" post-haste.

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Nope. I'm just proposing that, once again, your libtard anger is hypocritical. That said, I have no doubt whatsoever that a tool like Choada would have made my theoretical poster "disappear".


So, basically, you're saying that the real-life vandalism by a couple of conservative douchebags is made defensible by your hypothetical theory that libs would have done the same thing?


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So, let's remove your entire hypothetical situation which seems to be the premise of your argument.


What are you left with? Do you think what happened was wrong? Do you think it reflects poorly on the conservative movement, in general? Do you wish it wouldn't have happened?

Edited by rob
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So, let's remove your entire hypothetical situation which seems to be the premise of your argument.


What are you left with? Do you think what happened was wrong? Do you think it reflects poorly on the conservative movement, in general? Do you wish it wouldn't have happened?


Yes; yes; and yes.


As a parent, I would have scheduled an appointment with the teacher and tried to determine the degree to which his political ideologies (if any) were being imparted. Basically, is this guy teaching or preaching? If I found him to be preaching, I would remove my child from his class.

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So, let's remove your entire hypothetical situation which seems to be the premise of your argument.


What are you left with? Do you think what happened was wrong? Do you think it reflects poorly on the conservative movement, in general? Do you wish it wouldn't have happened?


Knowing what you know about Choadaboy, do you believe he is the best (pardon the pun) poster child for this crusade?

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I wouldn't approve of my kids being in that teacher's class but I don't condone guests of the school taking things that don't belong to them.


Overall I'm pretty skeptical of article because its so heavily tilted to one side. There is an obvious agenda so I'd have to hear the other side before I made a judgement on what really took place. Not saying it isn't true but I have reservations based on the blatant bias of the writer.



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Where do you stand on the trade off between a nice camera with a decent sized CCD (not talking about mega-pixels) and a pocket-sized one that will actually get used? I'm looking at the Canon G11, but I'm not sure I'll take as many pictures as I do with my little Sony W-somethingarather.

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You'll always get the shot with a point and shoot, even when belaying or rapping or whatever, and that's the most important criteria in my view.


Having said that, the larger SLRs do some cool stuff. Long exposure, bracketing (the camera takes 3 rapid shots, then equalized the exposure of sky, subject, and foreground) are my two favorites. Time lapse is another cool feature (some models require an accessory for this one, some don't).


Point and shoots are relatively cheap. You could carry one all the time and tote the bigger camera only on photography oriented trips where you've alotted a bit more time to mess around.

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Yea. I'd like to get into night-sky photography too, but there aren't too many P&S cameras with a bulb feature. An optical viewfinder is a non-negotiable IMO as well. The G11 is a sweet rangefinder, but I'll probably keep using my little 8mp Sony. I missed a lot of good shots when it was raining like shit on the Ptarmigan Traverse last year, so a weather-proof camera would be nice too. A man can only have so many toys...

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My point and shoot doesn't have an optical viewfinder, and I've found I never need one. Bigger LCD is more important, IMO.


For the rain, cut a 2 liter coke bottle in half and stick the camera in it or something, or better yet, check the forecast first!

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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