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"Spill. Baby. Spill"


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Responsible motorist: Hmm, I don't like offshore drilling. I think it's unsafe. I don't support it. I have to drive because it's the only way to get my kids to daycare, but I won't support offshore drilling, even if that means oil will cost more. Please don't do it.


Conservatard cc.comer: NO WAY. Offshore drilling is totally safe. The fish LOVE it. They think it's an artificial reef. McCain said so, and he's a total maverick. So, we're going to do it anyway, even if you don't like it. DRILL BABY DRILL!!! LOLZ.



Responsible motorist: Told you so.


Conservatard cc.comer: What are you talking about? This is your fault, you're the one filling your car up with gas. I take no responsibility, whatsoever. I didn't hear you complaining about it at the pump. The oil companies were FORCED to take the drastic step of offshore drilling because YOU refuse to stop driving. It's not their fault, and it's not my fault for insisting on it. It's your fault because you own a car. GOD, YOU'RE SO SELFISH. Hey, you look mexican. Can I see your papers? Shouldn't you be out shooting cops?

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What do fuckwits like Nitrox say and do about decreasing oil consumption via expanding public transit, fuel efficiency standards, financing of clean energy R&D, energy conservation programs, stopping urban sprawl, stopping conspicuous consumerism, not waging foreign wars to control oil producing regions, etc ...?


Easy to point the finger at everyone else and not ask what YOU, as in yourself, another "fuckwit" can do. Much easier. Now you feel like you've done something cause you opened your mouth anc called someone you don't know a name? Congrats. If this keeps up, we'll soon have the mess cleaned up.


BTW, see this one? http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Shell-spilled-nearly-14000-apf-3514168069.html?x=0&.v=7 "LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -- Royal Dutch Shell PLC spilled nearly 14,000 tons of crude oil into the creeks of the Niger Delta last year, the company has announced, blaming thieves and militants for the environmental damage." Don't know what that equates to in barrels, but even for a "Df*ck", "Libtard", "fuckwit" such as yourself, I'm sure you'd agree it's a large amount.


Why all the name calling?


ps, our President has taken the good first hard steps in the right direction. The US though, is like a large battleship, and won't turn easily or rapidly.

Edited by billcoe
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Responsible motorist: Hmm, I don't like offshore drilling. I think it's unsafe. I don't support it. I have to drive because it's the only way to get my kids to daycare, but I won't support offshore drilling, even if that means oil will cost more. Please don't do it.


Conservatard cc.comer: NO WAY. Offshore drilling is totally safe. The fish LOVE it. They think it's an artificial reef. McCain said so, and he's a total maverick. So, we're going to do it anyway, even if you don't like it. DRILL BABY DRILL!!! LOLZ.



Responsible motorist: Told you so.


Conservatard cc.comer: What are you talking about? This is your fault, you're the one filling your car up with gas. I take no responsibility, whatsoever. I didn't hear you complaining about it at the pump. The oil companies were FORCED to take the drastic step of offshore drilling because YOU refuse to stop driving. It's not their fault, and it's not my fault for insisting on it. It's your fault because you own a car. GOD, YOU'RE SO SELFISH. Hey, you look mexican. Can I see your papers? Shouldn't you be out shooting cops?


And they have the gall to suggest it's the progressives with the guilt complex...

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Easy to point the finger at everyone else and not ask what YOU, as in yourself, another "fuckwit" can do. Much easier. Now you feel like you've done something cause you opened your mouth anc called someone you don't know a name? Congrats. If this keeps up, we'll soon have the mess cleaned up.


we already answered this several times: you don't know anything about people's individual footprint and we are talking policies that you promoted/opposed in order to undo our dependence on oil. Your rhetoric and logic of blaming the victims of the policies promoted by your politicians is lame.


Regressives and their corporate allies who cheered on expanding offshore drilling should be held directly responsible for this environmental and economic disaster.

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the only people trying to avoid responsibility here are the fuckwits who shilled for the oil industry for all these years and now blame Joe Average for not riding his bicycle to get to work.

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called someone you don't know a name


the big difference is I know which fuckwits around here fight energy conservation tooth and nail, whereas you don't know jack about my footprint. Yet, it hasn't prevented you from telling me I was responsible for the policies YOU voted for.

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we already answered this several times: you don't know anything about people's individual footprint and we are talking policies that you promoted/opposed in order to undo our dependence on oil. Your rhetoric and logic of blaming the victims of the policies promoted by your politicians is lame.


You're obviously too busy yapping to listen well jb. Your use of YOU and saying what policies I voted for clearly means you haven't been reading my posts very carefully on this matter. Clearly. I challenge you to find any example of a post that indicates what you say please, as it goes against my philosophy. In fact, as I have said on this site before, I thought Clinton was being a backroom political hack when he backed off a phased in gas tax he pitched when he got push back from people who didn't want to pay more to pump their Suburbans full of gas, even if it was good for the country. At least Clinton tossed it out to see what would happen, we got much less than that from Bush, and if you bothered to read any of my posts, I was outraged when Bush jr was allowing tax cuts for business owners who bought Suburbans, Durangos and Expeditions. Outraged.


I have written to my representatives on this issue, as I consider our lack of a comprehensive energy policy slow crazy suicide for our country - but for myself, I'm not guiltless and didn't say I was. I live close in inner city so my wife can walk to work, I'm not too far either, and drive a 25 MPG vehicle. When my son was in high school, we would walk to the colisium for pro basketball games, or bike downtown. I had to increase my vehicle size for deliveries I was making for the company, I had one getting over 30 MPG previously.

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I bike commute exclusively every day, and drive my car no more than 4 times a month (once a weekend), and I carpool during those times.


Also, my house is heated entirely by farts (I have two kids).


I WIN!!!!

Edited by rob
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LOL! Congrats JB, I agree that you do win! And good luck with those kids. Kids are such a joy. In fact, even not considering the potential to warm the planet, I think our race to rapidly burn all the easily obtainable petro-chems is a near criminal act in that we are so totally hosing over our children and future generations by our wanton disregard of any common sense conservation. Once it's gone, it's gone. Government does have a place in our lives, and the Obama administration change of the CAFE standards was a great thing IMO. But baby steps, and slow ones at that....


Interesting that it was JD Rockerfeller's consolidation of big oil who's rapaciousness got T Roosevelt to pass laws that interjected the gov't into the business arena. Great read if you haven't: Titan, by Ron Cheneaw.

Edited by billcoe
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I've been a bike or foot commuter for all but ~3.5 years since 1992, *and* I shill for the oil industry.


Offshore drilling will increase for the indefinite future. Any suggestion to the contrary is a fantasy. Auto traffic accounts for ~35% of all transport related oil consumption, which is itself responsible for ~2/3rds of total oil consumption, or about ~23% of the total when all is said and done. Every single car in the US could vanish tomorrow and there'd still be sufficient global demand to drive more exploration and drilling. There's no realistic substitute for petroleum in the vast majority of applications that currently require it.


The only question is which shores it occurs off of. I'd personally rather have it done off the shores of countries that aren't either run by a cadre of religious fanatics that will funnel the proceeds into jihad academies, or third world basket cases that haven't demonstrated the capacity to manage their sewage properly.





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I move to the front of the line at red lights, too. That's my prerogative, as a cyclist. Today I moved ahead of nearly two dozen cars, ran the red light and cut off a school bus.


All the rightwingers in their SUV's get all bent out of shape about it, but I know it's just because their colon is full of impacted stools from clenching their ass in rage all the time.

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called someone you don't know a name


the big difference is I know which fuckwits around here fight energy conservation tooth and nail, whereas you don't know jack about my footprint. Yet, it hasn't prevented you from telling me I was responsible for the policies YOU voted for.


Now is your chance to put all of us those who have had the temerity to doubt the heroic magnitude of your personal sacrifices on behalf of the planet in our place. Post all of the details of your footprint here so that we can hail your eco-virtue with the proper amount of deference and rectitude.

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I move to the front of the line at red lights, too. That's my prerogative, as a cyclist. Today I moved ahead of nearly two dozen cars, ran the red light and cut off a school bus.


Do you shake your spandex stretched nutsack in their face? I do that. Especially in front of libtards in Lesbarus.


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Now is your chance to put all of us those who have had the temerity to doubt the heroic magnitude of your personal sacrifices on behalf of the planet in our place. Post all of the details of your footprint here so that we can hail your eco-virtue with the proper amount of deference and rectitude.


isn't this just sort of snide backhanded name calling with bigger words? :lmao:

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