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Joseph Healy appreciation thread


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okay here it goes the guys over at supertopo are doing this a lot but i dont see the trolls over here giving shout outs so hopefully i can start a trend.


I just wanna show my appreciation for Joseph. Though I haven't yet had the time to tie in with him, I do know he is one hell of a nice guy and extremely dedicated to the sport. Some people don't always agree with him but thats true of every one. A couple of weeks ago Joseph randomly called my up saying he had some pitons to drop off for my replacement work. What I didnt know was some pitons ment 2 backpacks full of gear and a portaledge. This random act of kindness left me in awe. I'm young and poor so a hook up like this was just a dream. For all you do for the bacon crew and everyone else, Joseph you are the man. So thank you!!!

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Tyler, my pleasure. You're the one going around doing all the big-time replacement work. After that exchange here about Wolf Rock and pins, I went down to the basement to sort through what I could ship you to help out on the pin side of things. But once down there it turned into going through everything (not that my everything really compares to some other people's everything ;) ).


I ended up thinking, I'm old, and how much of this shit am I really going to use at this point? And I don't have a son to pass it on to and my daughter isn't remotely interested. Past that, and knowing how much time, work and expense is involved, I just decided you should really be supported in what you're doing as much as possible; that, and Jim Anglin always said good things about you and your climbing.


Enjoy, and I hope it all helps you out with both your anchor work and your climbing. Oh, we do need to hook up and get out together next season...

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Is this an ass-kissing thread? ;) Just kidding! I agree with you both - joseph tries to bring out he best in the people that he climbs with, and his dedication to maintenance is unmatched. to disagree with him (or anyone for that matter) is to learn something, because what do you learn when you agree all the time, eh?

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Oh, and I should add that the ledge, Cascade books, and the big Terraplane pack came courtesy of one Bud Smith who donated them to help out with Beacon and I simply passed them on to you. Bud is the one who drug my fat ass up and down Beacon and thrashed me down in the Valley when I was 50 and about to bow out climbing for good. He's a wild man in his own right; bummer he lives in Mexico.

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I just wanna show my appreciation for Joseph. Though I haven't yet had the time to tie in with him, I do know he is one hell of a nice guy and extremely dedicated to the sport. Some people don't always agree with him but thats true of every one. A couple of weeks ago Joseph randomly called my up saying he had some pitons to drop off for my replacement work. What I didnt know was some pitons ment 2 backpacks full of gear and a portaledge. This random act of kindness left me in awe. I'm young and poor so a hook up like this was just a dream. For all you do for the bacon crew and everyone else, Joseph you are the man. So thank you!!!



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Very righteous gift! :tup: ...Speaking of gifts, I've been watching Jh quietly go and search out strange and exotic gear for Stephans Nut Museum, then just buy it and ship it off to the museum with no fanfare for quite sometime. Preserving our early history and asking nothing in return.


To your health ! :brew:

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In honor of celebrating JH, I'd like to step up and offer him, and his band of do-gooders, a year supply of chalk. I'm also willing to pitch in the first $100 toward the auto-chalk/espresso machines on the appropriate ledges... Snag, Tree & Grassy...

:rawk::P:wave::shock: 8D :laf::wazup::grlaf::yoda::brew:


I may disagree w Joe but I still consider him a friend. I just wish I could rope solo like that dude...

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