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Suffer the little children.....


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The song quotes directly from the spiritual "Jesus Loves the Little Children," though Jesus' name is replaced with Obama's: "He said red, yellow, black or white/All are equal in his sight. Barack Hussein Obama."


Among other lyrics, touting a fair-pay bill Obama signed in January: "He said we must be clear today/Equal work means equal pay."



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Oh no folks - this is a CLEAR SIGN that Mr. Obama is not in control of his mental faculties. He needs to be removed from office at once. He is no longer capable of performing his duties as President.


THIS IS DESPICABLE ! I'm originally from NJ and as a Parent, I would be OUTRAGED ! Obama is SO HUNG up on himself, I'm so tired of his Arrogant, egotistical, self righteous person that his is, he needs to be HUNG alright !


What's next for the little dears? Daily Koran readings and marches through the hallways chanting 'Death to Israel'? Wake up people!


*Shaking my head in dismay* If I were a black man, I would be totally pizzed! This man, O'Bama has already totally eliminated the chance of another black president being elected!


This is criminal and even blasphemous! Notice the reference to obamessiah's loving children who are "red and yellow, black and white." Where have you heard that phrase before? Even if you do not reverence Jesus Christ as the Son of God, I bet most or all of you know the reference is to the love of Jesus Christ, as detailed in the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children."


i bet if u play the song backwards it says, "worship me, worship me, i am your leader, worship me!!"



this is so wrong . people need more home schooling .peoplethat are for this president are taking it to far.
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i don't teach elementary social studies, so i wouldn't mind hearing from someone who does - how do you approach the subject in an age-appropriate fashion? peanut gallery opinions? i think we can agree it should not be to glorify our leaders, but little kids are hardly discriminating thinkers.

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ThinkProgress has been excerpting juicy bits from Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor, a memoir by former Bush speechwriter Matt Latimer. The most recent concerns the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which, though always political to some degree, was made nakedly so during the Bush years. (Another Bush speechwriter apparently objected to the idea of awarding the medal to the cancer-stricken Ted Kennedy on the grounds that the longtime senator was “a liberal.”)


But it wasn’t always politics that animated medal discussions: sometimes, the objections to potential candidates were a little more… medieval. According to Latimer’s book, some people in the White House did not like the idea of giving one to J.K. Rowling “because the Harry Potter books encouraged witchcraft.”

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I think everyone here agrees that it's not right to have kids sing the praise of the president in school but the real issue is why is the rightwing noise machine constantly (and pretty much only as shown by the posts of the wingnutery on this board) beating the drum about tangential issues like this (presidential speech to kids about staying in school, a few bad apples at acorn, etc ..) instead of focusing on major problems like the economy and the lack of reform a year after collapse of the financial sector, healthcare reform while folks keep losing access to healthcare, wars that are being lost, fraud on a grand scale, etc ...?

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I think everyone here agrees that it's not right to have kids sing the praise of the president in school but the real issue is why is the rightwing noise machine constantly (and pretty much only as shown by the posts of the wingnutery on this board) beating the drum about tangential issues like this (presidential speech to kids about staying in school, a few bad apples at acorn, etc ..) instead of focusing on major problems like the economy and the lack of reform a year after collapse of the financial sector, healthcare reform while folks keep losing access to healthcare, wars that are being lost, fraud on a grand scale, etc ...?

why ask questions you know the answer to? obviously, when you're holding a shit hand, you bluff and play table games to try to bid time till the circle turns - republicans ain't gonna do well w/ the moderates they need right now, so they're playing a guerilla game, which as you know, they're not too damn bad at - it's a shame they can't play the majority as well as they do the minority (but then that wistful thought isn't exactly inappicable to the dem's either)

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republicans ain't gonna do well w/ the moderates they need right now, so they're playing a guerilla game, which as you know, they're not too damn bad at


it'd be difficult for them to be bad at propaganda when they own 99% of the media: NewsCorp (FOX and more than 350 major media across the globe) and Clear Channel (more than 1200 radio stations just in the US) set the agenda and the rest of the corporate media dutifully follows.

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republicans ain't gonna do well w/ the moderates they need right now, so they're playing a guerilla game, which as you know, they're not too damn bad at


it'd be difficult for them to be bad at propaganda when they own 99% of the media: NewsCorp (FOX and more than 350 major media across the globe) and Clear Channel (more than 1200 radio stations just in the US) set the agenda and the rest of the corporate media dutifully follows.

all fox gives a shit about is making money - if they could get more bank by sucking up to the left i'm sure they would, but those folks are more inclined to spend their cash on 10$ coffee-drinks :)


there is no solution to this problem - news reporting is a business and it's a 1st amendment sacred cow - you just gotta yell louder than the other guys, sorry, which yeah, does reduce the finer points of the argument to secondary importance vis a vis the volume of your vocal cords :(

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republicans ain't gonna do well w/ the moderates they need right now, so they're playing a guerilla game, which as you know, they're not too damn bad at


it'd be difficult for them to be bad at propaganda when they own 99% of the media: NewsCorp (FOX and more than 350 major media across the globe) and Clear Channel (more than 1200 radio stations just in the US) set the agenda and the rest of the corporate media dutifully follows.

all fox gives a shit about is making money - if they could get more bank by sucking up to the left i'm sure they would, but those folks are more inclined to spend their cash on 10$ coffee-drinks :)


If it were true they would cater to the ~2/3 of Americans who support a public option for healthcare, most of which doesn't spend $10 on lattes. They do care only about money but they also know that a regulated media environment isn't good for oligopolies and their capacity to make as much money as possible and dictate policy so they'll take a short term loss if necessary as long as they have a shot at coming out the winners against reforms.


there is no solution to this problem - news reporting is a business and it's a 1st amendment sacred cow - you just gotta yell louder than the other guys, sorry, which yeah, does reduce the finer points of the argument to secondary importance vis a vis the volume of your vocal cords :(


breaking up the media oligopolies would be part of the solution.

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re-start applying anti-trust laws and force the sale of multiple channels, block mergers, prevent cross-media consolidations, make rules about diversity in coverage, ...? I believe most of the laws still exist but they aren't enforced, and reinstate those that have been canned.


There is great diversity for those willing to do the leg work on the internet but most folks get their news from the tube (and increasingly so) where government and pro-business views are pretty much the rule.

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