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[TR] Black Peak, Bright Lights - 7/21/2009


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Trip: Black Peak, Bright Lights -


Date: 7/21/2009


Trip Report:

Few people consider it fortuitous to be in a position of having no home, little money, and no job. Having graduated from college in June, that's the situation I find myself in. As a climber, my situation seems ideal in many ways. Earlier this week I found myself near Washington Pass without a partner, without maps which would help me check out new places, and with little motivation to epic. I decided on the tried and true NE Ridge of Black Peak. I had climbed it twice before, once solo with a summit bivy, and decided to do that again but with better camera gear.


The walk in was what it is; lots of huge flies that never give up, lots of boulders, and nice lakes. The ridge is I think my favorite easy route around, long enough to feel like you are climbing, and easy and solid enough to not be scary. Ending at a summit that has a perfect bivy spot and some of the best views anywhere isn't bad either. I got to the top way too early, around 1, so I slept and read all day, and got a good sunburn.







Took pictures of the sunset, went to sleep, and eventually was woken up by what I though was a huge snaffle that kept me up all night last time. I didn't see the rat, but what I did see it took me a minute to understand. Green lights waving across the horizon shooting up like spotlights timed to some crazy cosmic beat. Was I losing it? Did all of that expired discount food finally take it's toll ( :toad: )? Were our alien overlords finally making themselves known? In my half awake state it made no sense at all. Then it clicked: the northern lights. A forest fire burned beneath them, northeast of Jack Mountain. Shooting Stars. I can't describe the way it all made me feel, so I'll just go with the pictures.






Next morning woke up at sunrise to take more photos, drank coffee, and headed down to the land of the flies. I was disheartened to find that my beer stash had melted out, but after a dip in the still mostly frozen lake they were good enough. Some people would frown upon drinking at 10 am, but there are starving kids in China and I wasn't about to let anything go to waste.


More pictures here: http://danhilden.smugmug.com/gallery/4602605_QEUuc#600864991_vNheT


Approach Notes:

Walk up, see mountain, go to mountain.

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Few people consider it fortuitous to be in a position of having no home, little money, and no job.


There are many phases in life. The one you're in is pretty damn sweet. Awesome pics, keep on enjoying that endless freedom....

Edited by dberdinka
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