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Uptight Democrat Bitch


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Why would my calling you a liar indicate that I am about to blow a gasket? Pointing out to fact-challenged conservatives they are liars is a fact of life that I learned to live with a long time ago. In the meantime, you still haven't provided the direct citation that is needed to substantiate your drivel, but you won't give one since it doesn't exist. Liar.


WTF? I'm not sure why I waste time on a total nutcase like you. Do you need my "citations" in MLA, APA, Chicago Style? Footnotes? Parenthetic? I'm sure the mods here will vouch for the authenticity of the pathetic Palin-hate quotes that others posted here and I reproduced for your humility. All of them are, in fact, copied from this very site.

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Why would my calling you a liar indicate that I am about to blow a gasket? Pointing out to fact-challenged conservatives they are liars is a fact of life that I learned to live with a long time ago. In the meantime, you still haven't provided the direct citation that is needed to substantiate your drivel, but you won't give one since it doesn't exist. Liar.


WTF? I'm not sure why I waste time on a total nutcase like you. Do you need my "citations" in MLA, APA, Chicago Style? Footnotes? Parenthetic? I'm sure the mods here will vouch for the authenticity of the pathetic Palin-hate quotes that others posted here and I reproduced for your humility. All of them are, in fact, copied from this very site.


In order to deflect my exposing your hypocrisy, you claimed that I made sexist comments toward Palin, which is a lie. Your reproducing what other posters may have said isn't relevant to what I said. Hopefully we can agree on that much (can never be sure as your history here has shown). As a matter of fact, you don't need to waste anymore time with this since you can run away with your tail between your legs as you have grown accustomed to.

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ok, ok boxer, feinstein, whoever. I guess it makes a difference because Boxer is substantially better than Feinstein.


Well, a pig with lipstick in either case. In fact, "Uptight Democrat Bitch" seems like a one of the nicer things you could say about Feinstein who went went one further than Dick Cheney in working gov't contracts. See Cheney steered contracts to his old company because he knew the work needed to get done fast and well and Haliburton could do the job. With Feinstein, it appears to just be about getting the money in HER bank account. Here's some bullet points I copied for you from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianne_Feinstein


"*The Center for Public Integrity has also reported that US Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, are making millions of dollars from Iraq and Afghanistan contracts through his company, Perini [18]. Feinstein voted for the resolution giving President George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq. (2002)



*In recent years, Feinstein has been working in the Senate to increase surveillance and wiretapping powers of the government and to reduce legal safeguards that would protect citizens against it:


*Feinstein was the original Democratic co-sponsor of a bill to extend the USA PATRIOT Act.


*Feinstein objected to certain proposed solar and wind projects in California's Mojave Desert, asserting that such projects would harm the desert, [34] and violate the intention of the environmentalists in their donation of the land to the state.[35]


*Feinstein was accused of hypocrisy when it became public information that despite her stringent anti-gun record, the Senator maintained a Concealed Weapons permit and actively carried a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver for her personal safety.


*In 1999, Jill Labbe, of the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, recounted Mrs. Feinstein's actions at an anti-gun press conference, where Mrs. Feinstien displayed an AK-47 assault rifle. Despite her assertions of being trained in handling firearms, after picking it up, she broke multiple basic and commonly known firearms handling safety rules; placing her finger on the trigger, and then sweeping the muzzle across the room, pointing at people who were present.[43]


*Feinstein has received scrutiny for her husband, Richard Blum's, extensive business dealings with China and her past votes on trade issues with the country. Critics have argued that Feinstein's support, as a member of the Senate's Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, of policies that may benefit her husband may raise the appearance of a conflict of interest.[46] Suburban newspaper Metro Silicon Valley reported in 2007 that Blum holds large investments in companies that have won large government contracts without competitive bidding.


*The Washington Times reported in April 2009 that in October 2008, Feinstein had requested $25 billion in extra federal funding for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which days later granted real estate company Richard Ellis, on which Feinstein's husband serves on the board of directors, a contract to sell foreclosed homes on the FDIC's books.[48]


*In 2007, activists from within the California Democratic Party made a push to censure Feinstein.[54] The resolution, which cited Feinstein for "ignoring Democratic principles and falling so far below the standard of what we expect of our elected officials" ultimately failed.[55]"



Porter, IMO O'Reilly is a nasty self-aggrandizing clown, if he has anything of interest to ever say, copy paste the words. Speaking only for myself I'm not interested in ever watching him unless he radically changes his approach, which is often to position himself for controversy so as to make money off of it.

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See Cheney steered contracts to his old company because he knew the work needed to get done fast and well and Haliburton could do the job.


Uh, yeah right. That's why he did it. And man, was he right on both counts! What the hell is wrong with you?

Edited by prole
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Isn't FW the dude that was calling anyone that bashed Palin a sexist just a few month ago? You can't make this up.


Ok. One last time you incredibly stupid excuse for a human. Your quote above was the challenge. I responded by pasting the almost endlessly vile comments made during the election by you and yours. Now you want to accuse me of obfuscation? Dude, you are by far the most mixed up, whacked out, mentally deficient, moronic fuck ever to visit this site.

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Oh please. The majority of those comments aren't sexist at all. The other half are downright hilarious. It's was the McCain/Palin ticket for crissakes, it'd be like not laughing at the Three Stooges or Monty Python or something. I challenge you to find one YouTube video of either one of them speaking publicly that isn't deserving of the harshest kind of ridicule.

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Uh, yeah right. That's why he did it. And man, was he right on both counts! What the hell is wrong with you?


I think the man can be criticized 6 ways to Sunday for many, many things. He was continually attacked as a war profiteer by folks like you and jb: yet was there a single investigation which showed he profited off the war like Feinstein here?


I showed you links, quotes and references, perhaps you can show me the same.

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Are you suggesting that Cheney wasn't getting paid by Halliburton while the Iraq War was on?


Again......with some bold text only added so it can be of assist when you read it this time.


I think the man can be criticized 6 ways to Sunday for many, many things. He was continually attacked as a war profiteer by folks like you and jb: yet was there a single investigation which showed he profited off the war like Feinstein here?


I showed you links, quotes and references, perhaps you can show me the same.

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Are you suggesting that Cheney wasn't getting paid by Halliburton while the Iraq War was on?


Again......with some bold text only added so it can be of assist when you read it this time.


I think the man can be criticized 6 ways to Sunday for many, many things. He was continually attacked as a war profiteer by folks like you and jb: yet was there a single investigation which showed he profited off the war like Feinstein here?


I showed you links, quotes and references, perhaps you can show me the same.


Ah yes, I see. No, there was no investigation.

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