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What climb for Memorial Day weekend?


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I was going to climb Mt. Baker, the C-D route, or the Easton, but don't want to add a bunch of extra miles hiking to the trailhead. So now i'm looking at three options for the upcoming holiday weekend.

1. North ridge of Mt. Adams

2. Cascade couloir route up Mt. Stuart

3. South sister (Oregon)

Anybody have advice about any of these springtime climbs. Will there be access to the trailheads, etc?


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That's a petty good suggestion from Fairweather. Up the Cooper Spur and down the Sunshine is another Hood option. Do beware the two inches of glop on top of hardpack conditions that have contributed to some disasters on the Cooper Spur, making it perhaps not the best choice for an afternoon descent. The convex nature of the ridge can suck the sliding hapless over onto the steeper north face with serious consequences.


On Stuart, consider the Sherpa Glacier rather than Cascadian. Friends don't let friends climb the Cascadian.

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I've been up and down Cooper Spur too many times to count, but I'm not sure descending Sunshine is any safer. Sliding 400 feet off Cathedral Ridge into The Coe would probably produce the same result as bouncing 1800 feet off the top of Cooper Spur to the Eliot Glacier. Heading down the south side and hitchhiking back to Tilly Jane is probably the smartest option--which is probably why I

've never done it. Good call re Sherpa. I've never been in there, but I've always wanted to combine a climb of Sherpa Glacier with the West Ridge of Sherpa Peak.

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That's a petty good suggestion from Fairweather. Up the Cooper Spur and down the Sunshine is another Hood option. Do beware the two inches of glop on top of hardpack conditions that have contributed to some disasters on the Cooper Spur, making it perhaps not the best choice for an afternoon descent. The convex nature of the ridge can suck the sliding hapless over onto the steeper north face with serious consequences.


On Stuart, consider the Sherpa Glacier rather than Cascadian. Friends don't let friends climb the Cascadian.


+1 on that POS called the Cascadian. And besides, I'm not sure the Teanaway road will be open that far anyways. Sherpa is a better bet.

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