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The 6th annual Lloyd Keith Memorial Spring Ski fest is officially scheduled for May 1-3 at the same spot as usual. All skiers, boarders and climbers are welcome, although boarders will have an extra entrance fee to be determined at the time...probably must perform some trick or bring a special treat (alcholol!)


This should be a stellar year and some awesome skiing! More information to come.....mark your calenders!



Edited by David_Parker
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Traveling east over WA Pass: The property/cabin is approx 4.5 miles past the turn off to Mazama on the North side of the road. It is also approx .8 miles before you cross the Wyman bridge over the Methow river where the Goat Creek rd. merges. (so traveling w. on Hwy 20 look for it on the right about .8 miles after crossing it) There is a metal gate which is now locked. The fencing is zig-zag style stacked railing. If you intend to arrive before Friday evening sometime, please call me at 206-714-4300 for the combo.


You do not need a SUV to get in. Any regular car is fine. The driveway meanders back into the woods. The tent camping area is accessed via the left at the fork when you see the cabin.


Bring drinking water or expect to hike 1/4 mile to the river to get it. There is a hand pump well, but the water has some iron in it. Also, bring fire wood if you can. All I ask is that you leave the property in better condition than we found it!

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I'm on the fence about attending but if someone wants to drive over on Friday night and return Sunday, that'd help tip me toward going because I'd win extra points with my wife if I left the car home. I'm looking for cragging and last weekend bought Bryan's new guidebook which looks like it offers some good lowland ideas. Has anybody been up to Fire Wall?

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It's a floor wax AND a dessert topping!



Looks like you guys got to the saddle you were aiming for. Sunday was a pretty gorgeous day, wasn't it. Huge thanks again to David for hosting this thing for seven (!) years now. It was great to put some names to faces, great bunch of people.

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