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Professional Ice Screw Sharpening Business

Bob Loomis

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Dear Fellow Climbers,


I am trying to track down a piece of information I recall hearing several years ago. I checked the back postings on this forum for several years and did not come across it, so perhaps the source was a verbal conversation.

I recall being told/informed, etc., that there is a professional service that sharpens ice screws somewhere in the Columbia Basin area, possibly Ephrata, Washington. My recollection is an ice climber went to a local shop that sharpens chain saw chains, the local shop said it would give it a try--that is sharpen ice screws. My understanding is that the result was nothing short of fantastic and that now this local chain saw sharpening service does high quality and affordably priced professional ice screw sharpening on a mail order or drop off basis.

Several of my screws are dulling up and my home efforts are not great. I have watched videos from sources such as BD on how to do it right, have tried, but my results are not great.

So I am looking around for a good local professional service. Did I hear right--does such a local business exist in the Columbia Basin? If so, could someone provide me with the requisite contact information? I would be very grateful. If anyone has used the service in question, did the business do a good job? Any information is much appreciated.


Cheers and safe climbing to all,


Bob Loomis, Spokane, Washington


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Dear Dane, Paul, and Layton,


Thanks to all of you for the helpful information. I will probably contact the fellow in Ephrata first since his business is so close to Spokane, and you Paul, say he does good work on your screws. But I will also likely talk to the guy in Canmore just as a backup and for future reference.

When screws were cheaper I would just retire them after awhile, but now, as expensive as they are, I am willing to try getting some more life out of mine by re-sharpening from a professional service.

Again, my sincere appreciation to all of you with helping me.




Bob Loomis, Spokane, Washington


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Hi Spiderman,


After Dane's early and much appreciated comment about the fellow in Canmore, I went to Gadd's website, (it is under "Gear") and got the guy's contact information. I contacted him two days ago and as yet have not heard back. It is possible he is an active climber and away on a climb. It could also be that he does this part-time and so is not on top of people contacting his business as much as if he were operating an ongoing concern. So I suppose what I am saying is if you do make contact with him and set up a time to meet in Canmore, etc., it might be wise to really nail it down with the fellow.




Bob Loomis, Spokane, Washington

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Dear All,


I wanted to relate my experiences regarding getting some screws sharpened. I did finally make contact more than a week later (a week or so after my first email and call) with the fellow in Canmore listed in Will Gadd's site. He was reluctant to do the work on a mail order basis, and instead gave me instructions on how to do the work myself. He was very helpful and kind in this regard, and I was grateful. But my own work has not been great, so I wanted to go the professional route. I think the fellow in Canmore can have very good turn around time, so if a climber met with him in person that climber probably could get same day service or same weekend service.

So I gave the guy (Jim) in Ephrata, Washington a try--great decision on my part. First, very friendly and knowledgeable. Second, very fast turn around. From when I sent the screws to him via UPS, to the time they were back in my hands it was five days. Third, very cost effective. Jim charged me $3.00 per screw, sales tax, and shipping, which was $4.00. Fourth, work quality--essentially the screws look like when I first bought them--sharp and they go into ice like a knife through hot butter. Fifth, he trusted me. He did not ask for (I offered) payment in advance, COD delivery, etc. He said he would send me the re-sharpened screws with his invoice and trusted that I would pay--which I have.

There is only one downside to Jim, and he told me this himself and said to say so (with a chuckle), so I am safe in saying this--he is 82. He has been in the sharpening business most of his life, but he told me that though he has no immediate plans of getting out of the business, he is getting on, so when I told him of this forum, he told me to tell the rest of you that if you want him to do your work, he is happy to do it, but don't wait too long. I think that was his being somewhat "tongue in cheek" as he struck me over the phone as a true craftsman, intellectually active, who likes his work and will be at it yet awhile.

We, ice climbers, are fortunate to have this service in our backyard. Good man and perhaps last of a dying breed--a gentleman, a homespun skilled craftsman who takes pride in his individual work, small businessman, unpretentious, etc.


Cheers all,


Bob Loomis, Spokane, Washington

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Hi Waterboy,


I do not have an email address for the fellow. Two postings after my initial post to start this thread, Paul Detrick proved Jim's contact information and that is what I used. My guess is he may not be using the Internet to conduct his business. He is 82 and runs a small, solo operation. He may not see the need to have a webpage for his business, etc. But he answers his phone and is a good man all around. I think you will find him a good person to deal with and get your sharpening needs taken care of.




Bob Loomis, Spokane, Washington

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Hey Paul or Bob,

Jim sounds like an interesting fellow. Is/was he a climber? Maybe he is a logger with a history of sharpening chainsaws/axes/etc?


Just curious what you know about the guy.


If I had any dinged/dulled screws, I'd definitely send them his way. $4/each is a heck of a deal.



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I've lived in Ephrata for 20 years and Jim has allways had a sharping shop. I heard of him for chain saws and knifes. Friends told me about him. I had some dull screws and went and talk to him,and he said it should not be diffrent from a router bit, so I said give it a try, and now we have a place that does screws. He can sharpen just about anything, nice old school guy. He lives the next st. over from me, it would be kool to hear his past and hear how he got started.

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