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The Final Piece of the Bush Legacy...


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...allowing the economy to be completely trashed on his watch. I have to hand it to Bush, he has taken the art of being the WORST PRESIDENT EVER to a high level. It will be hard to top him.


And the idiot still thinks that history will exonerate him.


Probably will if Faux new becomes the official presidential historian.

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and we call my niggers in the hood dangerous............


You know, I can possibly see using the word in a benign manner for effect--and on very rare occasions, but you seem a little too "fond" of it lately, and, frankly, I'm not sure why you're being given so much latitude.


maybe b/c his best friends are niggers? :)


hatred and bigotry lie in the heart, not in the tongue


white-folk qualify for the *-word-right if they listened to public enemy as child


still, you gotta be one brave fucking honkey to try to throw it out in front of the soul-brothers :P

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and we call my niggers in the hood dangerous............


You know, I can possibly see using the word in a benign manner for effect--and on very rare occasions, but you seem a little too "fond" of it lately, and, frankly, I'm not sure why you're being given so much latitude.


I guess it depends on where you live,in my hood they be called inbreeded trailer trash!! Or redneck hillbilly fucktards!

Edited by pc313
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...allowing the economy to be completely trashed on his watch. I have to hand it to Bush, he has taken the art of being the WORST PRESIDENT EVER to a high level. It will be hard to top him.

Bush was on tv today and said the problems started ten years ago,you know like he had nothing to do with it! WTF

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started 10 years ago and for last 8 years he did nothing to correct it! he is right, it started even earlier, but he expedited the process to new highs. his administration was warned numerous times about wall street, but he decided to look the other way and support people who brought him to power. now this cry wolf shit game! i say bring it on, let it collapse. who gives a fuck if some white collar thieves get their asses kicked. it will do them good. so it will do good for the rest of the society, maybe finally people will start living within their incomes.

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started 10 years ago and for last 8 years he did nothing to correct it! he is right, it started even earlier, but he expedited the process to new highs. his administration was warned numerous times about wall street, but he decided to look the other way and support people who brought him to power. now this cry wolf shit game! i say bring it on, let it collapse. who gives a fuck if some white collar thieves get their asses kicked. it will do them good. so it will do good for the rest of the society, maybe finally people will start living within their incomes.

7.8 years,and he's not done yet!!!

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You may rightfully scoff at the notion of a tightly controlled conspiracy, Rob, but clearly there is some truth to what joblo says.

A whole lotta folks have made a whole lotta money and nobody is denying that they have used their connections and their lobbying influence to be sure that the fox didn't guard the henhouse.

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