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Oh this is hysterical, 3 of the biggest sprayers discussing 9/11. Pink, don’t you know this is the sacred cow? You mustn’t post anything in spray about it no matter how benign and that wasn't very polite what you posted. Not that your comment was benign. Kevbone, we already know you hate bush/iraq/ the war etc. :yawn: AK- well at least you’ve participated so you know wtf you’re talking about but no one wants to hear it mkay? This is anti-bush territory.

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it's irrelevant if "we had it coming"


we, the human race have been waging war on children and innocent civilians since we could pick up rocks to smash heads with - our country has been plenty guilty of indiscriminately massacring and brutalizing non-combatants - we occupy no moral high-ground on the issue, we're squarely down in the muck w/ the rest of our simian brethern - but this is no comfort to the families of the dead though, and it doesn't help to prevent future atrocities


i may not believe in the divinity of the jesus-dude, but the whole "he who is w/o sin, let him cast the first stone" quip was spot-on

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i don't think it did, it's just a question that you didn't answer.


Then why did your original message say, " America Deserved What It Got" from 7:51 pm until 12:45 am?

what does it matter? america is not a person.


pink, do you think the individuals who died on 9/11 deserved it?

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We are already there. I am simply proposing that we do the best with what we have.


Well if you want to do the best with what we have..... should we not take care of OUR home first? Who gives a shit about Iraq. Our own country has been ran into the ground. Health care, education and just plain food on the table for most Americans should be first. Not Iraq and there problems.

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i don't think it did, it's just a question that you didn't answer.


Then why did your original message say, " America Deserved What It Got" from 7:51 pm until 12:45 am?


yeh, i actually think the individuals deserved it. give me a frickin break. this wasn't a full on troll. this shit could and proly will happen again in some form or another. and i didn't post "America deserved what it got" you block head. is was in the form of a question jerk wadd. i changed the wording because i didn't want anyone to think i thought we did. so scott get your quotes right big boi. funny what strikes nerves around this place and what doesn't.




i apologize if i offended anyone, it was not my intention. just wanted some honest answers from the board.

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i don't think it did, it's just a question that you didn't answer.


Then why did your original message say, " America Deserved What It Got" from 7:51 pm until 12:45 am?


yeh, i actually think the individuals deserved it. give me a frickin break. this wasn't a full on troll. this shit could and proly will happen again in some form or another. and i didn't post "America deserved what it got" you block head. is was in the form of a question jerk wadd. i changed the wording because i didn't want anyone to think i thought we did. so scott get your quotes right big boi. funny what strikes nerves around this place and what doesn't.




i apologize if i offended anyone, it was not my intention. just wanted some honest answers from the board.

I think your question was good and not offending,the fact that we

the USA Gave Iraq 8 billion in arms to fight Iran and 2+ billion to

the freedom fighters to drive the Russians out of afghanistan,its

like we used them when it was favorable to us,and can't understand

why thay turned out to be assholes!! "KARMA"


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We are already there. I am simply proposing that we do the best with what we have.


Well if you want to do the best with what we have..... should we not take care of OUR home first? Who gives a shit about Iraq. Our own country has been ran into the ground. Health care, education and just plain food on the table for most Americans should be first. Not Iraq and there problems.


what do you mean Kevbone...i'm in skool right now and our edjucation is fine.

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I know what I saw and what I saw read like a statement, what with the fuck you gremlin and all. Any question mark, if there was one, changed little about the tone of your post.

And it struck no nerve with me. I considered it merely spray from an ignoramus, and called you on the change of context.

I thought your changing of the post was amusing, like the way a drunk will sober up and regret what they had said when drunk.


As I do the dichotomy within your last post:

yeh, i actually think the individuals deserved it. give me a frickin break. this wasn't a full on troll. this shit could and proly will happen again in some form or another. and i didn't post "America deserved what it got" you block head. is was in the form of a question jerk wadd. i changed the wording because i didn't want anyone to think i thought we did. so scott get your quotes right big boi. funny what strikes nerves around this place and what doesn't.
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