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all you anti-immigration fuckstix...


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This country can always benefit from motivated folks trying to better their lives...


Total agreement. I take issue in that there are honest immigrants who have filled out the paperwork and are patiently waiting...and waiting...and waiting for legal entry. Yet they are getting shit on and walked over and elbowed out of the way by those who would break the law, elbow their way past on of those waiting legally and jump the fence.


It's wrong. Big time.


Mind you, I'd be jumping the fence if it was me on the other side, but that still doesn't make it right. We're all immigrants one way or another anyway.


and your grandparents did not jump the fence? the statistics is US issued 50 work visas to Mexico in 2006.

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This country can always benefit from motivated folks trying to better their lives...


fuck, i just cancelled a week trip to central oregon due to work...this f-ing blows...i hate this goddamend motherfucking shithole job...


Seems like you don't follow your own advice. :whistle:


How so? I'm working so my family can do stuff? stupid bitch...

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This country can always benefit from motivated folks trying to better their lives...


fuck, i just cancelled a week trip to central oregon due to work...this f-ing blows...i hate this goddamend motherfucking shithole job...


Seems like you don't follow your own advice. :whistle:


How so? I'm working so my family can do stuff? stupid bitch...


I'm sorry. I must have mistaken all that "motivated action to the betterment of your life", for simple whining.

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all you stupid anti-immigrant idiots don't know a first thing about immigration, so STFU. you wouldn't even know first thing where to start if you ever had to deal with CIS. and maybe you should visit Ellis Island you'd actually know how things worked in the past.


Eat shit and die ya poo stabbing pollack

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all you stupid anti-immigrant idiots don't know a first thing about immigration, so STFU. you wouldn't even know first thing where to start if you ever had to deal with CIS. and maybe you should visit Ellis Island you'd actually know how things worked in the past.


Eat shit and die ya poo stabbing pollack

that's all you can come up with shelaq throat salty breath gerbil spelunker? since english is your first language maybe you should learn some vocabulary that goes beyond 3 grade.

btw- what was your status in Latvia?

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all you stupid anti-immigrant idiots don't know a first thing about immigration, so STFU. you wouldn't even know first thing where to start if you ever had to deal with CIS. and maybe you should visit Ellis Island you'd actually know how things worked in the past.


Eat shit and die ya poo stabbing pollack

that's all you can come up with shelaq throat salty breath gerbil spelunker? since english is your first language maybe you should learn some vocabulary that goes beyond 3 grade.

btw- what was your status in Latvia?


Latvia? Tourist. Only spent a few weeks there. Was doing other things North-East and South of there though. English is not my first language little man. :wave:

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all you stupid anti-immigrant idiots don't know a first thing about immigration, so STFU. you wouldn't even know first thing where to start if you ever had to deal with CIS. and maybe you should visit Ellis Island you'd actually know how things worked in the past.


Eat shit and die ya poo stabbing pollack

that's all you can come up with shelaq throat salty breath gerbil spelunker? since english is your first language maybe you should learn some vocabulary that goes beyond 3 grade.

btw- what was your status in Latvia?


How would one gerbil spelunk? Are you just putting random words together or are you really trying to speak the English language? At least you are trying, many of your friends don't even bother to do that. Good luck with the studies wee man.

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all you stupid anti-immigrant idiots don't know a first thing about immigration, so STFU. you wouldn't even know first thing where to start if you ever had to deal with CIS. and maybe you should visit Ellis Island you'd actually know how things worked in the past.


Actually, I think the "anti-immigration idiots" you are talking about are anti-ILLEGAL immigration. There is a difference. I have no problem with legal immigrants. It's the illegal ones that are causing problems.

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