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There are many problems with a good 'ol fashioned whipping with a belt/switch/wooden spoon/any object other than the open hand. If the parent is leaving a welt, then that's excessive. And what more, when the kid gets to school and goes to gym class, the teacher is legally obligated to report what he sees to the principal, who in turn calls CPS and LE and then as a parent you go through the humiliation of having CPS and LE show up on your doorstep after they interviewed your kid (without your knowing it) at school.


And really, as a parent if you're angry and using a belt you may not be able to tell how hard is too hard. Just not a good idea based on my experience.

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My dad was never angry when I got whipped. It was just a matter of something that had to be done to instill the norms of societal behavior into a young maverick who wasn't much interested in following the advice/directives of authority figures. My dad was quite controlled, and the whippings consisted of but a few swats; no more than 4 or 5 typically. There was no malice involved, just good old fashioned corporal punishment to one who decidedly deserved it. No one can convince me otherwise.


I'm not making any apologies for my parents. They did what had to be done, and I certainly needed it. One must understand that I ran with less than desireable crowds during various stages of my youth, and pyrotechnics were always my tool of choice. I blew up and burned down a lot of things. A civilized society does not take kindly to this sort of behavior from its future leaders...

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My dad was never angry when I got whipped. It was just a matter of something that had to be done to instill the norms of societal behavior into a young maverick who wasn't much interested in following the advice/directives of authority figures. My dad was quite controlled, and the whippings consisted of but a few swats; no more than 4 or 5 typically. There was no malice involved, just good old fashioned corporal punishment to one who decidedly deserved it. No one can convince me otherwise.


I'm not making any apologies for my parents. They did what had to be done, and I certainly needed it. One must understand that I ran with less than desireable crowds during various stages of my youth, and pyrotechnics were always my tool of choice. I blew up and burned down a lot of things. A civilized society does not take kindly to this sort of behavior from its future leaders...

By the time I got into the pyrotechnics, my parents had longed passed the spanking stage. Once I became a teenager I would readily face Dad's taped & tattered fraternity paddle with youthful defiance. Sure, it stung a bit, but no big deal. Once they found the spankings did no good, it was all "your on restriction". Grounded from this, that and the other.


I still remember the day we had soaked a tennis ball or 3 in gas and were throwing it around while it was burning (sure most of you did it too). Right about the time someone kicked over the gallon of gas laying in the middle of the st, someone else kicked the ball right through the 20 ft. puddle of gas. Whoooosh! Huge black cloud & flames, the whole width of the street on fire. Who comes rolling up but good ole Mom & Pops. "You get home right now David..." But I gotta put the fire out... Don't remember what the punishment was but I dreaded going home to find out. Now the pipe bombs in the dumpster, that is a whole other story... :lmao:


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cool, and let's also call CPS for parents who take illicit drugs, especially those who post public inquiries a about which drug is "better" - cocaine or heroine.


Entirely appropriate when you take the larger picture into context. Rarely is an addiction to drugs not accompanied by a mental health disorder of some type that yes, would put a child at risk. Should mom breastfeed while high on meth?



Bla bla blaa bla bla bla. What the hell ever. Addiction to drugs has a direct correlation to taking drugs, which has a direct correlation to lack of discipline which has to do with parenting. In whatever way you choose to raise your kid, do it to the best of your ability.


I was a taught a "yessir, yes maam" way of life which was enforced with spanking with a 24 in shoe horn. I am glad my dad did that. I am not all fucked up and on drugs (though apparently I should be because spanking is child abuse and apparently child abuse leads to drug addiction).


Kids these days have no fucking discipline and it WILL bite us in the ass ricky-fucking-tic.

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You guys and your “my dad beat me and I deserved it and am happy he did it” attitude. I call bullshit….on the lot of you. Now you will pass that experience right on to your children. You got beat so that is all you know…….to beat your kids. You guys should read what you wrote. Half of you are happy your parents beat the shit out of you. Bullshit I say…..


My dad beat me and I still resent him for it. On the other hand, he did what he knew…..he parented the only way he knew how. That is not his fault….so I choose to be friends with him, but I have made a conscious choice not to pass that type of dead end parenting to my children.


You all make it sound like if your parents would not have beaten you……you would have all ended up in the gutter. I call bullshit again.


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kevin, i did not get beat. i got an occasional spanking along with lots of other creative punishments. i still think its an appropriate punishment in som cases.


and yeah folks are right, there are a lot of little terrors out there b/c their parents can't/won't don't set boundaries. these kids don't understand that there are appropriate behaviors for various settings and circumstances.


i see it even at the youngest ages. parents who won't take a toy away from a toddler that won't share, no consequences for the pre-schooler having a tantrum, no punishment for the back talking grade schooler. yeah, it carries over. this always positive crap that people try just doesn't instill boundaries or respect.

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You guys and your “my dad beat me and I deserved it and am happy he did it” attitude. I call bullshit….on the lot of you. Now you will pass that experience right on to your children. You got beat so that is all you know…….to beat your kids. You guys should read what you wrote. Half of you are happy your parents beat the shit out of you. Bullshit I say…..


My dad beat me and I still resent him for it. On the other hand, he did what he knew…..he parented the only way he knew how. That is not his fault….so I choose to be friends with him, but I have made a conscious choice not to pass that type of dead end parenting to my children.


You all make it sound like if your parents would not have beaten you……you would have all ended up in the gutter. I call bullshit again.

so...have you showed little Jr. how to spark a bowel yet? :rolleyes: that's what i call dead end parenting...

Edited by RuMR
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and for the record kebone, you're lucky i don't beat your ass for implying that i beat my child. :mad:



Minx....note I said "you GUYS" in my post. I did not imply anything about you. You never wrote anything about liking the fact that your parents beat you.....

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You guys and your “my dad beat me and I deserved it and am happy he did it” attitude. I call bullshit….on the lot of you. Now you will pass that experience right on to your children. You got beat so that is all you know…….to beat your kids. You guys should read what you wrote. Half of you are happy your parents beat the shit out of you. Bullshit I say…..


My dad beat me and I still resent him for it. On the other hand, he did what he knew…..he parented the only way he knew how. That is not his fault….so I choose to be friends with him, but I have made a conscious choice not to pass that type of dead end parenting to my children.


You all make it sound like if your parents would not have beaten you……you would have all ended up in the gutter. I call bullshit again.


Who on here ever said they were glad that they were beaten? Oh wait. They didn't. This debate methodology might have worked when you were 12, or with the fellow hippies at the coffee shop, but I doubt to many grown, working adults will fall for it.

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There is a HUGE difference between a controlled spanking and a "beating". We all know how you feel about it Kevin, but I'd wager you are in the very small minority with your point of view. Spankings are always a last resort in my home but can be a useful tool when needed and it really does hurt me more than my child to give one, at least emotionally.

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What really pisses me off is the knowledge that someday, my society-contributing kids are going to be paying their taxes so that your little entitlement-minded brat can have whatever his self-centered mind sets his heart upon without so much as lifting a finger on his own initiative to get. That is exactly what you are raising with your "no consequence parenting" attitude: an "I deserve everything and I don't have to work for anything" little brat.


You don't like hearing that? Well, look around, Sonny Boi, at all the L00zer brats that were raised in the 80s and 90s that we "affectionately" refer to as Generation X and Generation Y. The bulk of those fucking whiners are just entitlement-minded brats that were raised by overly permissive parents... like you.

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What really pisses me off is the knowledge that someday, my society-contributing kids are going to be paying their taxes so that your little entitlement-minded brat can have whatever his self-centered mind sets his heart upon without so much as lifting a finger on his own initiative to get.


Where do you get this shit from?




That is exactly what you are raising with your "no consequence parenting" attitude: an "I deserve everything and I don't have to work for anything" little brat.


WTF are you taking about. "no consequence parenting"??? What is that? That is not how my child is being raised.



You don't like hearing that? Well, look around, Sonny Boi, at all the L00zer brats that were raised in the 80s and 90s that we "affectionately" refer to as Generation X and Generation Y. The bulk of those fucking whiners are just entitlement-minded brats that were raised by overly permissive parents... like you.


That was not my dad.......

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Yep, and as a gen X'er myself, I can say that is the truth. My cohorts are lazy, have no work ethic, have an amazing sense of entitlement and ae just plain spoiled and uneducated.



You judgmental ass....I suppose you are not lazy and have a hell of a work ethic eh.....superior bullshit if you ask me.....

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Now you will pass that experience right on to your children. You got beat so that is all you know…….to beat your kids.


]My dad beat me... on the other hand, he did what he knew…..he parented the only way he knew how. That is not his fault…


I have made a conscious choice not to pass that type of dead end parenting to my children.


So, everyone else in the world who was "beat" is forced to "pass that on" to their children cause it's "all that they know" -- except for you, who was able to rise above it and make the conscious choice NOT to.


Everyone else in the world is just a slave, inextricably bound to the parenting style of their parents. Except for you.





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What really pisses me off is the knowledge that someday, my society-contributing kids are going to be paying their taxes so that your little entitlement-minded brat can have whatever his self-centered mind sets his heart upon without so much as lifting a finger on his own initiative to get.


Where do you get this shit from?




That is exactly what you are raising with your "no consequence parenting" attitude: an "I deserve everything and I don't have to work for anything" little brat.


WTF are you taking about. "no consequence parenting"??? What is that? That is not how my child is being raised.



You don't like hearing that? Well, look around, Sonny Boi, at all the L00zer brats that were raised in the 80s and 90s that we "affectionately" refer to as Generation X and Generation Y. The bulk of those fucking whiners are just entitlement-minded brats that were raised by overly permissive parents... like you.


That was not my dad.......


I have not the time today to debate this with you online. Someday, should my misfortune become any worse than it already is, you and I will meet and we can discuss this subject then. But suffice it to say that, in my opinion, you will undoubtedly find, in the years to come, that your failure to instill boundaries and impart consequences to Junior's ill behavior now will have repercussions far beyond the day that you enter your grave.

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Where do you get the idea that my child has no boundaries? He has boundaries and has very structured day. I just don’t spank him. That is the only difference I can see……


I would not find it a misfortune to meet you some day. Sorry you feel that way.


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There is a HUGE difference between a controlled spanking and a "beating". We all know how you feel about it Kevin, but I'd wager you are in the very small minority with your point of view. Spankings are always a last resort in my home but can be a useful tool when needed and it really does hurt me more than my child to give one, at least emotionally.


No shit. Kevbone, again you prove yourself to be an overly-simplistic moron.


I was spanked many times, and deserved it every time. I was never "beaten".



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KK and Rumor, I'm speaking from the peanut gallery as I have not raised children but it seems to me that mostly you've just shown that you confuse corporal punishment with discipline and boundaries and apparently believe there can be no discipline without spanking. I have no idea what kind of parent Kevbone is, or what kind either of you are, based on this thread or really much of any other on this board. The insistence that if Kevone doesn't spank his kids he is not instilling discipline causes me to wonder if both of you lack the skill and imagination needed to be a good dad, though.

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