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Taking swipes in Alaska Forum


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Matt - here's my thoughts....what's the difference between the CFC thread and the Alaska thread. It was obvious to me (and all of us I think) what VH's purpose for posting was - looking for like minded partners on the site. On the other hand, Zoran's post??? "Please visit our site".....team's full, somebody bought our gear, not a TR.....sounds like he was inviting feedback to me......"This expedition site is the proof that you can achive a lot even on the intermediate route as WB" In other words, I just wanted to take this opportunity to demonstate my team's superior ethic relative to all you eco-terrorists....



... while advertising for Heli-skiing.


The whole marketing aspect is what I find annoying. The last thing I want to see when in a National Park to go climbing is a series of billboards.

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Matt - here's my thoughts....what's the difference between the CFC thread and the Alaska thread. It was obvious to me (and all of us I think) what VH's purpose for posting was - looking for like minded partners on the site. On the other hand, Zoran's post??? "Please visit our site".....team's full, somebody bought our gear, not a TR.....sounds like he was inviting feedback to me......"This expedition site is the proof that you can achive a lot even on the intermediate route as WB" In other words, I just wanted to take this opportunity to demonstate my team's superior ethic relative to all you eco-terrorists....



... while advertising for Heli-skiing.


What if the helicopters are hybrids and run on bio-fuel? :grlaf:

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Matt - here's my thoughts....what's the difference between the CFC thread and the Alaska thread. It was obvious to me (and all of us I think) what VH's purpose for posting was - looking for like minded partners on the site. On the other hand, Zoran's post??? "Please visit our site".....team's full, somebody bought our gear, not a TR.....sounds like he was inviting feedback to me......"This expedition site is the proof that you can achive a lot even on the intermediate route as WB" In other words, I just wanted to take this opportunity to demonstate my team's superior ethic relative to all you eco-terrorists....





That may be a fair analysis. I don't know whether or not Zoran was deliberately "inviting" feedback, and I'm not so sure he was proclaiming superiority so much as just being excited about and promoting something that he thought was a good idea. But you (unlike most others in this thread) are at least answering my question. Thanks.


Anyway, I think much the same could be said about the Vertical Hiker thread: it would be fair to observe that anybody who had previously spent much time browsing cc.com should probably expect "feedback" when they post something like that. We don't much tolerate talk about God around here and anything even remotely political is going to draw a hailstorm pretty much every time.


To me, that is not always a great aspect of this website. Sometimes it would be better, in my view, to let somebody else with a different approach to climbing - even one that we may find somehow distasteful - talk about what they are doing without having to put them down.

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Here's the original post:

Hi CC-ers,

Could you please visit our site when you have moment?


This expedition site is the proof that you can achive a lot even on the intermediate route as WB. If you are genious like our exp leader...


He did something for all of us, we couldn't even imagine at our first coffee meeting several months ago.






To which I replied:

Itinerary from the website:


"Day one - Fly in" :lmao::lmao:


You'll be off to a great start! :rolleyes: Remember to practice what you preach while worshiping at The Church of Global Warming. Simony and indulgences don't cut it.


Good luck with your climb though. :tup:



Z - Here's a thought: Go ahead and throw the money away on "Carbon Offsets"...and cancel your trip. Or, even better, climb the mountain Erden style--by bike and foot. Seriously, though; don't let the global warming cultists infect your being or plague your psyche with irrational guilt. They're a mentally ill lot. Fly in. Fire up your MSR. Have a good time. But please DO bag your shit, don't piss on the next guy's snow melt, and pick up after yourself. Enjoy!


Pretty tame stuff, really--and all related to his carbon-only premise/chestbeat. I still can't help but think the real reasons you bumped this concept down to spray are:

1.) You're upset that someone is again questioning the tenets of your religion; anthropogenic global warming.

2.) Posturing.


Just my opinion, Matt. If you were scolding the dogs that roam your side of the fence more often, your point may have carried more validity.

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What is humble and non-superior about making a negative judgment about someone else's motives for climbing?


ChucK, let me get this right. A guy posts a message on a public climbing oriented website essentially saying look at me and some website about a bunch of guys making a political and environmental statement by purporting to climb Denali in a carbon neutral fashion. I express a contrarian opinion or two and you think that's bad?


Assuming I haven't misunderstood you, and for the second time, I apologise. In the future I'll strive to only express opinions that are positive and affirming in nature, but most importantly ones that are consistent with your and mattp's views of the world.


As an aside, I have found this website, and a number of contributors to it, very helpful (and yes entertaining) over the years. However, I have been awed on the odd occaision at how intolerant some folks can be of public discourse - perhaps you'll prove me wrong.



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Just my opinion, Matt. If you were scolding the dogs that roam your side of the fence more often, your point may have carried more validity.


It is rare that the political position of a poster enters into the discussion when I comment on what I see as derogatory stuff in route reports, newbies, or partnership forums, Fairweather, but I believe I have been equally critical of liberals and conservatives in discussions like this one, or the Mt. Hood rescue thread, or the Vertical Hiker scenario. It is not a matter of "my side of the fence." Not long ago I was critical of a certain frequent adversary of yours on just this kind of issue.


You are right, though, that this was really "pretty tame stuff" on the spectrum of insult that we are used to at cc.com - at least in the Spray forum where you made all but about three in the last 100 of your posts. But the degree of rancor you seem to relish when engaging in political arguments or the daily bait and bash is not the standard by which I think we should measure posts to other forums.

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